Department of Neighborhoods District 5 Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, March 19, 2024, 6:00pm
The General Services Department helps to make the City of Detroit a clean, safe and vibrant place. We manage the City’s vehicle fleet, forestry services, vacant lot maintenance, city-owned building maintenance, and park and recreation center planning, design, improvements, and programming. We directly operate or partner in the maintenance and improvement of 310 public parks and 18 recreation centers and are working to ensure every resident has accessible opportunities for recreation within walking distance of their home.
Department of Neighborhoods District 5 Virtual Meeting
Wednesday, March 19, 2024, 6:00pm
How to avoid blight tickets
How to avoid blight tickets
How to avoid blight violations
Temporary sign permit required for realtor signs on properties listed for sale.
For realtors listing commercial properties in Detroit, a request to remind owner clients of the importance of property maintenance before, during, and after property ownership
One-page information regarding legal placement of yard signs.