Detroit Emergency Response Team will hold free, 4-day training sessions. Interested individuals must complete the Detroit Community Emergency Response Team registration form.
Public Notice to Taxpayers for year 2025 Assessor Review.
Contribution form to be filled out monthly by Designated Point Person on construction projects qualifying for EO 2024-02 monitoring.
MBE / WBE Declarations
Personal Property (Business) Notice of Discontinuance of Business form.
Request for a personal property number for business.
Change of Address Form for Personal Property
Application for review of proposed development in the Brush Park Form-Based Code area.
DAH Blight Clearance Process and Application
Complete this form in order to apply for a blight clearance
Complete this form to appeal to have a default judgement regarding a blight ticket set aside.
Contract Language Addendum must be completed by each contractor and subcontractor contracted on the construction project acknowledging receipt of the listed information
Wage requirement data sheet must be completed prior to the first day on the job site for each contractor and subcontractor
Weekly list of subcontractors on job site
A copy of the Certified payroll to use for the weekly payroll submission for each contractor and subcontractor at the job site
Sample letter of any 1099 employees at the job site
Sample letter for contractor's and subcontractor's No Week at the job site
Application for Registration as required by Bedding and Furniture Ordinance #20-2-51