The Detroit Local Emergency Planning Committee will meet on the following dates in 2025:
February 18, 2025, at 2 pm
We help you plan for your safety so you’ll always be prepared.
Detroit Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM) coordinates with local, regional, state, federal, and private-sector agencies to protect the community from natural and human-made emergencies and disasters.
DHSEM focuses on the five mission areas – prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery.
One important way DHSEM has addressed these areas is by preparing numerous comprehensive emergency response plans. These include the Citywide Evacuation and Mass Sheltering Plan, Emergency Operations Plan, Hazard Mitigation Plan, and Adverse Weather Response Team Plan.
DHSEM is also responsible for a wide range of critical emergency management activities, including:
DHSEM also provides another essential function: Homeland Security. DHSEM has worked closely with public, private-sector, state and federal intelligence agencies in developing a sophisticated intelligence network. It also spearheaded the development of a daily calendar of key events taking place in Detroit and works with intelligence agencies to vet the events for possible threats.
Would you like to receive timely emergency notifications pertaining to the city of Detroit? Detroit has a new notification system called Detroit Alerts 365, which sends Detroit-specific emergency notifications through the CodeRED emergency notification system—a system used by emergency services teams and municipalities nationwide. This free system enables you to choose how you would like to receive alerts--via telephone, text message, and/or email.
The Detroit Local Emergency Planning Committee will meet on the following dates in 2025:
February 18, 2025, at 2 pm
The City of Detroit Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management (DHSEM) facilitates a 4-day training course for Co
Emergency Preparedness Fair
Information on SBA Business & Nonprofit Loans
Información sobre préstamos por desastre de la SBA de Michigan
Information on SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans
Information about Michigan SBA Disaster Loans
FEMA Individual and Community Preparedness Newsletter -- January 2024
Information on Air Quality Index Outdoor Activities Warning and Reccomendations
Fire Safety Tips for Christmas Decorations
Information on the city of Detroit Community Emergency Response Team.
Information about how to protect yourself from cybersecurity risks.
Information about Downed Power Lines and Safety Tips
Information on Power Outages – Preparing for Outages
Various adverse weather threats that are currently posted individually in the specific sections : heat/heat stroke; floods, tornadoes, lightning and winter weather hazards.
Learn about the differences between weather advisories, watches and warnings.
Southeastern Michigan experiences some extreme weather conditions. These conditions can impact the health and safety of Detroit residents throughout the year and can result in serious il
Information on what to do before digging.
Important preparedness tips and resources
Tips to Stay Safe on the Water
The city of Detroit Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a public-private partnership that supports hazardous materials reporting and planning.
Emergency situations can occur quickly and without warning. Individuals and families should prepare in advance for potential emergency situations.
Learn what to do if the community is instructed to evacuate or shelter-in-place.
U.S. Department of Homeland Security provides assistance in helping your company and community enhance the security of public gathering sites and special events.
The Department of Homeland Security encourages citizens to be alert and to report suspicious activity whenever it is observed.
See videos about how to protect yourself from such dangers as extreme heat, lightning, rip currents and frostbite.
Information about Shelters, Warming and Cooling Centers.
List of designated cooling centers as well as information on how to deal with heat waves and heat-related illness.
Information about the city of Detroit network of warning sirens.
Learn about how you can assist in the community by becoming a volunteer with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and learn about the free online courses available from the Emergency Management Institute Independent Study Program.