City Hotlines

Find all city's main numbers for various departments and agencies.
Building Code Violations - Residental
(313) 224-2733
Abandoned / Dangerous Building
(313) 224-3215
After Hours Environmental Emergency
(313) 350-1384
Boiler Inspection Team
(313) 224-3210
BSEED-Environmental Affairs
(313) 224-0484
Building Code Violations - Business
(313) 224-2733
Building Permit Inspection Scheduling
(313) 224-3202
Building Safety Engineering and Environmental (BSEED)
(313) 224-2733
Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental
(313) 224-2733, FAX: (313) 224-1467
Business License Office
Business License Office: Food Truck Info
Commercial and Zoning Complaints
(313) 628-2451
Construction (Trade Inspections)
(313) 224-3202
Construction Inspection
(313) 224-3202 , Fax: (313) 224-1637
For Appointments with Mechanical Inspection Team
(313) 224-3202
Licensing & Permits
(313) 224-3179, Fax: (313) 224-1635
Mechanical Inspection Team Clerical Staff - Tonya Gordan-Woods
(313) 224-3181, (313) 224-0113
Mechanical Permit Inspectors (hours: Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. and 9:30 a.m.)
313-224-3191, 313-224-3189
Michigan EGLE Pollution Emergency Alerting System (PEAS) Hotline
Michigan EGLE Pollution Emergency Alerting System(PEAS) Hotline
(800) 292-4706
Permits Office
(313) 224-3118
Property Maintenance
(313) 628-2451
Property Maintenance Inspections
(313) 628-2451
Rats/ Rodents Outside Building
(313) 876-0426
Rats/Rodents Public/ Commerical Units
(313) 876-0426
Rental Property Questions
(313) 628-2451
Zoning Division
(313) 628-2451
Zoning/Special Land Use
(313) 224-1317
Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity
(313) 224-4950, fax: (313) 224-3434
Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity
(313) 224-4950, Fax: (313) 224-3434
CRIO Complaint Hotline
(313) 224-ZERO
Detroit Civil Rights
(313) 224-9516
Office of Marijuana Ventures and Entrepreneurship
(313) 418-9217
STEP Program Hotline
(313) 618-9094
Demolition Department
(313) 224-4737
Report an Emergency Demolition: Contact BSEED
(313) 224-3215
The Building Department to report an Emergency Demolition
(313) 224-3215
Civil Rights, Inclusion & Opportunity
(313) 224-4950, fax: (313) 224-3434
(313) 224-3560
Rehabbed & Ready Team
(313) 989-4606
Debris & Weed / Public / Private Lots
(313) 876-0023
Department of Public Works - Report Dead Animal
(313) 876-0004
Department of Public Works - Street Maintenance
(313) 224-0033
Department of Public Works - Traffic Engineering
(313) 224-1610
Garage Collections & Special Pickups
(313) 224-3901, (313) 876-0004
Green Living Science workshops
(313) 871-4000 ext 3
Household Hazardous Waste
(313) 923-2240
Priority Waste
(855) 927-8365
Request Street Repairs
(313) 224-0033
Snow Removal & Street Cleaning
(313) 224-3901
Text your street address to sign up for trash & recycling reminders
(313) 800-7905
Waste Management
Priority Waste, (855) 927-8365
Waste Management
(844) 233-8764
Weeds & Debris Removal
(313) 224-4636
Zero Waste Detroit
(313) 986-2990
DoIT Administrative Office
(313) 224-2900
Federal Emergency Broadband Benefit Program
Block Club Information
(313) 224-4415
Detroit Building Authority
(313) 224-0174
Customer Service
(313) 933-1300, TDD/TTY 7-1-1
DDOT Compliance Division
(313) 833-3655
DDOT Paratransit
(313) 208-7363
DDOT Transit Police
(313) 833-9836
Eligibility / Special Fares
(313) 578-8268
Paratransit Services 24x7
(313) 208-7363 
(313) 596-2963
Billing Questions
1-888-987-3605, Fax: 1-614-987-2075
Community Relations
(313) 596-2959
Detroit Fire Department
911, (313) 596-2900, Fax: (313) 224-4128
Detroit Fire Department Tip Line
(313) 628-2900
DFD: Peer Support Team
Emergency Medical Services
(313) 596-5180, For Medical Records Call:, (313) 224-4550
Fire Community Relations
(313) 596-2957
Fire Hazard Complaints / Concerns
(313) 596-2954
Fire Marshal
(313) 596-2954, Fax: (313) 596-2978
Fire Operations
(313) 596-2920
Fire/Arson Investigation
(313) 596-2940, Fax: (313) 596-5173
Fire/Arson Investigation
(313) 596-2940, Fax: (313) 596-5173
(313) 596-2954
Michigan State Police Tip Line
(800) 442-7766
(313) 596-2963
Plan Review
(313) 224-1311
Plans and Exams
(313) 224-1311
Plans and Exams (BSEED)
(313) 224-3233
Police / Fire / Medical Emergencies
Training Division
Fire: (313) 237-2775, EMS: (313) 237-3111, Fax: (313) 237-3177
Covid-19 Hotline
(313) 876-4444
Ceasefire Detroit
(313) 224-1257
Children's Hospital Pediatric Sickle Cell Center
Children’s Special Health Care Services
313-876-4223, Fax: 313-366-9439, CSHCS Family Phone Line: 1-800-359-3722
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Detroit Ending HIV Epidemic
(313) 500-1799
Detroit Health Department
(313) 876-4000; TTY711, WIC: (313) 876-4555
Detroit Health Department’s Communicable Disease Program
Detroit ID
(313) 774-5388
DHD Satellite Service Center
(313) 876-4554
Dog Bites / Stray Dogs
(313) 224-6356
Dog Licensing
(313) 224-7133
Family Phone Line
(800) 359-3722
Food Safety Customer Service
(313) 876-0135
Health Issues and Questions
(313) 876-4000
Hearing Loss
HIV/STI Program
(313) 410-5617
iDecide Detroit Health Clinic
(313) 876-4319
Infant Safe Sleep
313-961-BABY (2229)
Kidney Foundation
Medicaid Outreach Specialist
(313) 324-9540
Sickle Cell Disease Association of America (SCDAA)
313-876-0412, 313-961-BABY
United Cerebral Palsy of Detroit
Vaccine Contact Info
(313) 876-IMMS (4667)
Animal Control
(313) 922-DOGS : Sunday - Saturday 7:00 am -7:00 pm, (313) 922-3647 : Sunday - Saturday 7:00 am -7:00 pm
Call Center
City Walls
(313) 542-2171
Detroit Animal Care
(313) 224-6356
Detroit Homeland Security & Emergency Management
(313) 596-2590
Jennifer Bobin
(313) 654-6071, [email protected]
Jennifer Bobin
(313) 654-6071, [email protected]
Jennifer Bobin
(313) 654-6071, [email protected]
Jennifer Bobin
(313) 654-6071, [email protected]
Detroit Housing Resource Helpline
(866) 313-2520
Eviction Prevention Hotline
(866) 313-2520
Housing and Revitalization Department
Office: (313) 224-6380
HR Employee Services (General City)
(313) 224-8584 Press #7
Human Resources
(313) 224-3310
Human Resources Call Center
(313) 224-3725
Project Clean Slate
(313) 237-3024, (313) 224-3717 fax
Media Services
(313) 224-2100
Public General Information
(313) 224-2100
(313) 224-3560
Detroit Taxpayer Service Center
(313) 224-3560
Income Tax Assistance and Information
(313) 224-3315
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
(313) 224-1219
Operations and Administrative Services
(313) 224-3035
Supplier Procurement Support Hotline
(313) 224-1500
A.B Ford Park and New Community Center
Adams Butzel Compex
(313) 628-0990
Butzel Family Center
(313) 628-2100, TTY: 711 or 800-649-3777
Clemente Recreation Center
(313) 224-0228
Coleman A Young Recreation Center
(313) 628-0997, TTY: 711 or 800-649-3777
Complaints Debris & Weeds Parks
(313) 224-4636
Crowell Community Center
(313) 628-2047
Detroit Parks & Recreation
(313) 224-1100, Fax: (313) 224-1866
Detroit's New Youth Soccer League
(313) 224-0006
Farwell Recreation Center
(313) 628-2028
Heilmann Recreation Center
(313) 224-9334
Joseph Walker Williams Center
(313) 628-2039
Kemeny Recreation Center
(313) 628-2819
Lasky Recreation Center
(313) 628-2030
Parks & Recreation
(313) 224-1100, Fax: (313) 224-1866
Patton Recreation Center
(313) 628-2000
Spirit Plaza Programming
(313) 628-4203
Trees: Trimming, Removal and Stumps
(313) 628-0900
10th Precinct
(313) 596-1000
11th Precinct
(313) 596-1100
12th Precinct
(313) 596-1200
1st Precinct
(313) 237-2850
2nd Precinct
(313) 596-5200
3rd Precinct
(313) 596-5300
4th Precinct
(313) 596-5400
5th Precinct
(313) 596-5500
6th Precinct
(313) 596-5600
7th Precinct
(313) 596-5700
8th Precinct
(313) 596-5800
9th Precinct
(313) 596-5900
(313) 267-4639
Chief Neighborhood Police Liasion
(313) 596-2520
Committee on Race & Equality
(313) 596 -CORE 2673
Crime Analysis
(313) 596-2250
Crime Stoppers - 1 800 SpeakUp
1 (800) 773-2587
Detroit Shield Program
(313) 596-2250
Detroit Police Lieutenants & Sergeants Association
(313) 596-5699
Detroit Police Officers Association
(313) 596-8770
DPD Field Recruiting Unit
(313) 596-8890
DPD Human Resources
(313) 596-2450, (313) 596-2730
DPD Police Recruiting Unit
(313) 596-2607
Equal Employment Opportunity Office
(313) 596-2623, (313) 596-1679, (313) 596-2671, (313) 596-2656
Gun License Unit
(313) 596-1984
Identification Unit/Finger Printing
(313) 596-2108
Illegal Drug Sales
(313) 224-DOPE
Internal Affairs
(313) 596-2447
Internal Affairs
(313) 596-2447
LGBT Liasion
(313) 596-2520
Liquor License Unit
(313) 596-1954
Medical Examiner
(313) 833-2504
Office of Chief Investigator
(313) 596-2499
Police / Fire / Medical Emergencies
Police Athletic League (PAL)
(313) 596-1751, (313) 833-9264
Project Green Light Detroit
(313) 596-8899
Records and Statistics/Report Info
(313) 596-1908
Secondary Employment Info
(313) 596-2217
Telephone Crime Reporting (T.C.R.)
(313) 267-4600
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department Customer Service & Emergency Line
(313) 267-8000
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department Customer Service & Emergency Line
(313) 267-8000
DLBA Demolition Hotline
DWSD Drainage Customer Service
DWSD Lead Safe Hotline
(313) 267-8000
For Customer Service and Water & Sewer Emergencies Call
(313) 267-8000
Report a Water or Sewer Issue
(313) 267-8000