Detroit Police Department is holding a Vehicle Auction @ DPD Grinnell 9425 Grinnell, Detroit, @ 10:00 am
All are Welcome
Our job is to keep neighborhoods safe.
The Detroit Police Department and its more than 2,500 officers are responsible for policing Detroit’s 139 square miles. Through data-informed policing strategies, collaborative partnerships, and innovative programs with high levels of community engagement, Detroit has seen sustained reductions in nearly every category of crime. The Detroit Police Department is committed to transparency, professionalism and 21st-century policing excellence informed by community input and civic leadership.
The Detroit Police Department’s (DPD) mission is to encourage thoughtful decision-making and a strong sense of community responsibility through education, equity empathy, professionalism, transparency, and policing standards properly informed by community input and civic leadership.
Our social media pages are intended to serve as a gateway for communication to maintain the relationship between Detroit’s diverse community and the Detroit Police Department. Courteous and respectful comments are encouraged.
The Detroit Police Department does not discriminate against commentators nor their views. However, we reserve the right to delete the following:
1) Comments that are derogatory or discriminatory of a constitutionally protected class, e.g. racist comments;
2) Comments that are violent, vulgar, harassing, obscene, profane, or hateful;
3) Suggestion or encouragement of illegal activity;
4) Threats or defamation of any person or organization;
5) Posts containing the personal identifying information of a third party
6) Copyrighted or trademarked images or graphics without the owner’s approval
Freedom of speech and expression is encouraged within our community guidelines. Please note that the opinions of followers/fans/writers on the DPD pages do not reflect the views of the department or the City of Detroit.
Detroit Police Department is holding a Vehicle Auction @ DPD Grinnell 9425 Grinnell, Detroit, @ 10:00 am
All are Welcome
Detroit Police Department is holding an Vehicle Auction @BBK 1821 Trombly @9:00 am
All are Welcome
Detroit Police Department is holding a Vehicle Auction @ DPD Grinnell 9425 Grinnell, Detroit, @ 10:00 am
All are Welcome
Detroit partnerships result in another historic drop in violent crime in 2024; fewest homicides since 1965, shootings & carjackings plummet
Please refer to the Block Party Guidelines before completing the application
Block Party: A party that requires closure of one (1) block or a portion of a street, for a single day. View Application
Gun Violence Reduction Partnership in Detroit 5-graphics
Gun Violence Reduction Partnership in Detroit 5-graphics
BOPC Shotspotter Letter of Support
The Citizens Radio Patrol Program was established to help serve as extended “eyes and ears” for the Police Department.
Guideline for Block Party
Detroit Police Department Shield Program
Reports and documents from relevant City departments on the use of Government Surveillance
How to apply for a job with the Detroit Police Department
The Detroit Police Reserves is a volunteer organization within DPD where reservists offer their services for various community and downtown events in Detroit.
Precinct Social Media Accounts
Victim's Assistance
Information on how to report crimes.
2016 Crime Statistics
Abandoned vehicles create community problems. Street cleaning and snow removal become difficult tasks with abandoned vehicles in the way. Abandoned vehicles in yards are possible fire hazards. Abandoned vehicles project a negative image of our city. Together, we can give Detroit the necessary makeover to produce clean streets. If the vehicle is your own: move it, have it towed, or donate it. If the vehicle is not yours; REPORT it to your local police precinct.
How to report a stolen vehicle.
The CAPPA program is modeled upon practices proven to have worked in law enforcement departments nationwide by partnering mental health and community providers to better assist the homeless and people suffering with mental health. These jurisdictions have documented impressive, evidence based outcomes as a result of their partnership program that include:
The Committee on Race and Equality’s (CORE) mission is to safeguard equality and equity, increase awareness, and celebrate the strength of diversity within the Detroit Police Department (DPD) and the Community.
Legal information regarding Detroit Police Department consent decrees
How to obtain or apply for Detroit Police Department records and reports.
Overview of the Neighborhood Police Officer (NPO) program
Gun Permits Information
The Detroit Police Department Manual contains all department policy, rules and regulations, and procedures for implementing department activities.
This service will allow our senior citizens to have their individual profiles stored in our 911 database and provide critical care information to the 911 call-takers in the event of an emergency situation. This should improve the call taking, dispatch and emergency response process.
The first public-private-community partnership of its kind, blending a mix of real-time crime-fighting and community policing aimed at improving neighborhood safety.
Click to see a list of approved camera installers, cloud storage vendors, sign vendors, and green light vendors
See sample equipment and installation costs associated with cameras, signage and the green light
Detroit Police has teamed up with Crime Stoppers to empower our community to Speak Up
In 2011, the Detroit Police Department (DPD) launched the Secondary Employment Program partnership program were local business hire off duty Detroit Police Officers.
U nonimmigrant status (U visa) is set aside for victims of U visa qualifying crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and are helpful to law enforcement or government officials in the investigation or prosecution of U visa qualifying criminal activity.