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7 BSEED Divisions & their frequently requested services. Check out each division's page for full steps or additional information on each process.
Get started with your project here! The DRC can answer your development questions and provide you with resources & direction to accomplish your projects.
Learn where your project is allowed and scope permits & fees
Request a Preliminary Plan Review meeting
How to apply for permits online
Building & sign permit information
The Zoning Division conducts Site Plan Reviews, public hearings for Conditional Land Uses, per the City of Detroit Zoning Ordinance, and conducts historical research for the purpose of zoning verification.
Apply for Special Land Use hearings
Zoning Ordinance - Chapter 50 of the Detroit City Code
*For full steps & additional information on each of these steps, see the Construction Inspection page*
Marijuana Application for Special Land Use Hearing (smartsheet.com)
The Plan Review Division is responsible for ensuring that developments or building projects comply with the City of Detroit adopted Ordinances and Codes. The staff performs review of the permit application and plans for the proposed projects
Step-by-step guide to the online application process
Information about sign permits & the sign ordinance
Request a Pre-Plan Consultation
The Construction Inspection Division is responsible for performing inspections of construction activities in order to ensure construction projects meet approved plans and are in compliance with building codes and standards. Construction Inspection includes six trade teams: boilers, buildings, electrical, elevators, mechanical, and plumbing.
Get a Certificate of Occupancy
Get a Certificate of Acceptance
Register & Renew a Contractor License
Schedule your inspection with the necessary trade
*For full steps & additional information on each of these steps, see the Construction Inspection page*
The Licensing & Permits Division reviews business license applications, business license renewals, and provide a service to help contractors and homeowners pull necessary permits.
New applicants for medical marijuana
Renewal applicants for medical marijuana
The Environmental Affairs Division is the environmental authority for the City of Detroit whose purpose is to conserve & protect the natural resources of the city in the interest of the health, safety, and welfare of the people. Environmental Enforcement enforces Property Maintenance and Solid Waste codes and issue violations.
Obtain general compliance/alternate compliance Certificate of Operation
Obtain a Host Community Agreement
Property Maintenance Division is comprised of several sub-subdivisions and ensures continued compliance for commercial & residential properties, manages vacant and blighted structures for both commercial & residential buildings, enforces the Property Maintenance Code & Rental Ordinance.
Commercial Corridor
Residential Office
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Case: SLU2024-00156
Board of Appeals and Administrative Hearing Application for the Buildings, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department.
Simple and easy to navigate online systems will allow you to submit plans and apply for permits faster than ever before. All construction projects in Detroit must be permitted and inspected by the Buildings, Safety, Engineering, and Environmental Department.
The DRC, together with other departments, offers a variety of pre-development meetings to answer all your questions.
Information about zoning in the city of Detroit, including how to get zoning appeals and permits.
Information about BSEED's Plan Review Division, including codes, ordinances and other regulatory matters related to building permits.
As part of our commitment to innovation and customer service, to provide a more transparent and efficient Plan Review process, The City of Detroit Buildings Safety Engineering and Environmental Dep
The Building, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department (BSEED) is pleased to offer citizens, businesses, and visitors access to government services online, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week thr
Information on inspection processes for construction projects, including boilers, buildings, electrical, elevators, mechanical, and plumbing.
Information about the BSEED Plumbing division, including regulations, permits, forms and fees.
Information about the BSEED Mechanical Inspection Team, as well as permits, forms, and fee information.
Information about the BSEED Electrical Inspection Team as well as electrical codes, inspections and permits.
Find the City of Detroit and State of Michigan building ordinances
Information about the Boiler/Pressure Vessel Inspection Division and Obtaining a Boiler License
Issues business licenses & permits
Information on Business License Renewal & Expiration Guide
Information about the licensing and permit process for Street Vendors and Food Trucks
Overview of the Environmental Affairs division, including information on major goals, ongoing initiatives, and a particular focus on Brownfields and Right-of-Entry. Right-of-Entry applications must now be submitted online via eLAPS.
Overview of Environmental Affairs work on brownfields revitalization, focusing on specific concerns and initiatives.
BSEED Environmental Enforcement is responsible for enforcing code violations around high grass/weeds, illegal dumping, and improper placement of Courville cans.
Enforcing the Property Maintenance Codes. Information on inspection processes for rental, residential, commercial, vacant, dangerous buildings, and deferrals.
An abandoned/dangerous building is a house or any other building that shows serious defects, unsafe conditions, or is vacant and open to trespass.
District Inspectors work closely with district officials to ensure community driven blight concerns are addressed.