Building Permit Requirements
- Building Requirements
Finished Basement -
Residential Deck -
Right of Way / Sidewalk permits -
Roof Replacement
Obtain a permit in the Historic District - Permit Requirements:
- Preface - The purpose of this web page is to offer some assistance and answer some frequently asked questions by customers seeking building permits from the Buildings, Safety and Environmental Engineering Department. Please be aware that the following list of requirements and Code sections are relative only to the Building Code. Requirements by other codes (i.e., Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, Fire Marshal, Health, etc.) are available upon request from those divisions respectively.
- General Information - The Structural Division reviews construction documents and bases compliance on the following State of Michigan Construction Codes (Refer to State Web site at
- The 2015 Michigan Building Code, which includes Michigan Barrier-Free Design Rules
- The 2015 Michigan Rehabilitation Code for Existing Buildings
- The 2015 Michigan Energy Code
(313) 224-3202 - The Review - The review of construction documents for compliance with the respective codes listed above takes about one to three business days from the time the structural plan reviewer receives the drawings and specifications for average jobs. The length of time for plan review may be longer for larger and complex projects. Please ensure that the construction documents contain all the required data listed below. This will help avoid delays and/or corrections.
- Submittal Requirements (Building Code Sections are in parentheses):
- The design of the building and/or facility and preparation of construction documents shall be done by a licensed architect or professional engineer registered with the State of Michigan. Furnish seal and signature of the responsible architect/professional engineer on all pages of the construction documents, as well as the front page or top cover of specifications and calculations. Provide 3 complete sets of construction drawings; 1 set of calculations and 1 complete set of specifications (Secs. 107.1 State of Michigan Public Act 299 of 1980).
- Provide a complete site plan showing all existing and proposed structures. Indicate distances and locations of lot/property lines, widths of streets, rights-of-way, etc. (Sec. 107.2.5)
- Obtain a soil erosion and sedimentation control permit (if required) from Wayne County Department of Public Environment, Land Resource Management Division, 3600 Commerce Court, Building “E” Wayne, Michigan, 48184. The telephone number is (313) 224-3620. (Part 91 of Act 451, Public Acts of 1994)
- Submit a copy of the geo technical investigation and analysis report by a licensed professional engineer. This should show the recommended foundation design. Show the presumptive soil bearing capacity. (Sec. 1803.2, 1806.2)
- Indicate type of construction of the proposed building, fire resistance rating of all structural elements and the U.L./Approved Agency Label rating number to substantiate the fire resistance rating. (Secs. 602.1, 703.2, 704.1, 1703.1)
- Identify the Use Group classification of the proposed building, occupancy of all parts of the building, and include the number of occupants on every floor (including basements) and all rooms and spaces. (Secs. 302.1, 1004.1)
- Show how the proposed building meets the height and area limitations. (Sec. 503)
- Show the arrangement of egress on all floors. (Sec. 1016)
- Indicate full compliance with the State of Michigan Barrier Free Design Rules. Provide adequate details on the construction documents. (State of Michigan Public Act 1 of 1966, State of Michigan Barrier Free Design Rules w/ Chapter 11 of 2015 Michigan Building Code)
- Show the required minimum construction details for all penetrations and roof construction. (Sec. 714, Chapter 7)
- Furnish the information pertinent to the structural design required by 2015 Michigan Building Code Sections 1603.1.1 through 1603.1.8.
- Floor live loads
- Roof live loads
- Roof snow loads (flat roof snow load, exposure factor, thermal factor and importance factor)
- Wind load (basic wind speed, risk category, exposure category and design wind pressure)
- Earthquake design data (Acceleration-base site coefficient, Design spectral response acceleration at short periods, Design response modification factor, Importance factor, Risk category, Seismic design category and the analysis procedure utilized)
- Other loads (concentrated loads, impact loads and special loads). (Chapter 16)
- Provide pertinent design and construction details required by the referenced documents listed in Chapter 35 as related to concrete, masonry, steel, and wood construction.