This is a rescheduled Regular Meeting of the Detroit Historic District Commission.
Historic District Commission Information
Ensuring the preservation of historically and culturally significant areas of the of the City, designated by City Council as Historic Districts, through the administration of project reviews.
Declaration of Location forms (State Historic Tax Credit Program)
Beginning on January 17, 2023, HDC staff will review "Declaration of Location" forms required for application to the Michigan State Historic Tax Credit Program.
Declaration of Locations forms attest to the "contributing" or "non-contributing" status of properties within local historic districts. The vast majority of properties are contributing, but occasionally newer buildings, or buildings that have lost their architectural integrity, are determined to be non-contributing. Staff can only complete Declaration forms for "contributing" properties.
Forms must be emailed to [email protected] with all sections excepting the Declaration completed. Staff will review forms in the order they are received. You should receive a response within 6 hours of submission. Forms received after noon will be returned the following business morning.