Mayor Duggan to deliver 11th State of the City address April 17
Mayor to discuss City's ongoing fiscal and neighborhoods revitalization ahead of NFL Draft that will draw hundreds of thousands to see city's progress
Attendance is by invitation, speech to be livestreamed on City platforms
Mayor Mike Duggan will deliver his 11th annual State of the City address at Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. The address is not open to the public and is by invitation only.
The event will be held on Wednesday, April 17, 2024. The Livestream begins at 6:30 p.m., with the Mayor's address beginning at 7 p.m.
The Mayor delivered his first State of the City address in February 2014, when the City was in bankruptcy, under emergency management and struggling to provide basic services. Since that time, the City has seen historic rises in property values alongside comparable reductions in crime and unemployment, while shifting from a strategy solely of removing blight to one of also creating beauty through renovated parks, neighborhood streetscapes, public art and renovated vacant historic buildings.
The State of the City address can be viewed on the following City of Detroit platforms:
Channel 21 (Comcast) and Channel 99 (AT&T)