District 1 Virtual Meeting - February 24, 2022


Residents of District 1 can tune in for our virtual meetings on Thursdays at 5:30 pm.

All meetings begin at 5:30 pm and end promptly at 6:30 pm


Guest  Speakers
Tammy Daniels

DLBA Interim Director


Laurie Arora
Vice President of Public Affairs,
PACE Southeast Michigan


will discuss the new Detroit center coming to District 1


Join Zoom Meeting Link


Meeting ID: 929-4557-2636


Join via Conference Call

(312) 626-6799

(267) 831-0333

Meeting ID # 929-4557-2636


For more information contact:

District Manager -- Karla Williamson (313) 236-3484

Deputy Manager -- Kya Robertson (313) 236-3473

