City of Detroit: Notice of Public Outreach: Detroit SMART MODES - 6-10-24
Meeting Information
June 5th & June 10th @ 5PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 880 9360 0136
Dial in: (301)715-8592
Proposal Summary
Office of Mobility Innovation has received a Federal USDOT SMART grant ($200,000 Software - $270,000 Crash Mitigation) that aims to reduce traffic fatalities and improve transportation safety and efficiency in Historically Disadvantaged Communities (HDCs) by implement a limited-scope system for Detroit focusing on Mobility Optimization through Data for Equity and Safety (MODES). By applying upgrades at a few existing signalized intersections with real-time smart analytics, the goal is to: swiftly identify crashes, improve incident management and intervention effectiveness, and allow the City and community to make better equitable data-driven safety decisions together.
More Info
Visit for more information on the SMART Grant Program