
  • Executive Order 2020 - 4 Extension for Moratorium on Signs.

  • Due to a clerical error  Executive Order  2020 - 5 was file with 2 separate orders

  • Executive Order 2009 -3

  • Executive Order - 5

  • Executive Order 2008-2

  • Executive Order 2008-5

  • It is the purpose of this directive to provide members with policies, procedures, and guidelines for financial management and record keeping.

  • It is important that all members of the department use the correct and approved procedures for procurement of goods and/or services. Failure to do so may result in a financial burden to the city, inability to pay vendors in a timely manner, and/or liability to the involved member.

  • The purpose of this directive is to set guidelines for reconciling travel advances with expenses.

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish requirements for the administration of grants at the City of Detroit Police Department.

  • The purpose of this policy is to provide rules, regulations, and procedures for the implementation of the Secondary Employment Program in accordance with Section 43-2-11 et seq., of the Detroit City Code.

  • The Detroit Police Department prohibits harassment of and by its members in any form

  • The purpose of this directive is to unequivocally state that racial and ethnic profiling in law enforcement are totally unacceptable.

  • The purpose of this policy is To provide additional specificity to the standards of conduct embodied in the Law Enforcement Officer’s Code of Ethics, the Detroit Police Department’s (DPD) mission and values statement, in order to enable all officers of this department to better understand the pro

  • Through appropriate recruiting practices, training, and employee development, the Department attempts to instill in its members those principles the Department sees as most conducive to police work (e.g. personal honor, a desire for professional status, and a sincere devotion to service).

  • The purpose of this directive is to describe the awards available to Department members and citizens for services performed on behalf of the community.

  • To inform all Detroit Police Department (DPD) members of the procedures for accepting, processing and investigating complaints concerning the Department; allegations of employee misconduct; and to list and define the dispositions of complaints.

  • The city of Detroit has adopted a policy of zero tolerance for any form of violence in the workplace.