
  • The investigation and detention of juvenile offenders will be performed in compliance with applicable local, state, and federal laws, unless otherwise prescribed herein, shall be assigned in a manner consistent with the assignments of responsibility for offenses committed by adults.

  • The freedom to speak, dissent, write and publish, and to associate privately and publicly for any lawful purpose, without governmental interference or impairment, is a constitutional guarantee that is to be scrupulously honored by all members of this Department.

  • It is the policy of the Detroit Police Department to receive, process and investigate all organized crime, vice, and narcotic complaints and to report information on matters of criminal intelligence as mandated by local, state, and federal laws.

  • The Detroit Police Department’s policy is to provide accurate, timely and pertinent information relevant to crime patterns, and to assist operational and administrative personnel with planning and deployment of resources in order to prevent and suppress criminal activities.

  • The purpose of this directive is to provide Detroit Police Department (DPD) members with guidelines and procedures and to define the limitations of authority for conducting custodial questioning.

  • It is the policy of the Detroit Police Department (DPD) that all child abuse, child neglect or abandonment of children complaints are investigated by Child Abuse in conjunction with the State of Michigan Family Independence Agency, Child Protective Services as mandated by local, state, and federa

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish the proper guidelines for obtaining reliable eyewitness identification and for conducting lineups.

  • The purpose of this policy is to provide members of this Department with general knowledge of, guidance, and procedures for the use of polygraph examinations.

  • The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures for electronic recording and the associated use, management, storage, and retrieval of recordings of interviews and interrogations.

  • The RTCC will be run within the Crime Intelligence Unit with the purpose of providing investigative support to the Department by accelerating the identification of crime patterns, habitual and first-time offenders, and providing patrol officers with immediate aid in real time criminal activity.

  • To provide guidelines and procedures for members of the Detroit Police Department (DPD) in making lawful arrests, the detention of material witnesses, to provide supervisory review of arrests for probable cause, and to provide for prompt judicial review of arrests.

  • To establish guidelines and procedures for conducting searches by members of the Detroit Police Department (DPD) including searches by consent, searches of motor vehicles, searches of persons (e.g., incident to an arrest, detainee inventory, body cavity and strip searches), investigatory stops, s

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish guidelines and procedures, which police officers shall follow when conducting searches and seizures.

  • The purpose of this directive is to outline the guidelines and procedures at the Detroit Police Department that are necessary for court case preparation.

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish guidelines and procedures to ensure that subpoenas received by this Department are properly served and that members are appearing in court as directed.

  • In their dealings with foreign diplomatic and consular personnel, members shall recognize and show due respect for these privileges and immunities. At the same time, members should understand that diplomatic immunity is not a license to break the law or to avoid personal liability.

  • The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines and possible alternatives to assist the members of this Department in making decisions on when to pursue on foot and when to terminate that pursuit.

  • The primary purpose of uniformed police patrol is the elimination of the actual opportunity, or the belief that the opportunity for successful criminal conduct exists.