
  • Fiscal Year 2020 | July 2019 - June 2020

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish the policy and procedures for management of the Detroit Police Department’s written directive system.

  • The structure of the Detroit Police Department (DPD) is designed for effectively achieving the Department’s mission. The Chief of Police is responsible for the overall performance of the department. DPD members have responsibilities which are commensurate with rank.

  • The purpose of this directive is to delineate those organizational entities that report to the Office of the Chief of Police.

  • The purpose of this directive is to delineate those organizational entities that report to the Office of Support Operations.

  • The purpose of this directive is to delineate those organizational entities that report to the Office of Neighborhood Policing.

  • Human Resources (HR) is responsible for maintaining complete and adequate personnel records on all members; processing all personnel matters; recruiting new members, administering and securing promotional examinations; receiving and investigating complaints of discrimination or harassment on the

  • The purpose of this directive is to provide members with jurisdictional guidelines. However, nothing in this directive prevents the Chief of Police or the Mayor from providing mutual aid to other jurisdictions if requested in appropriate circumstances.

  • The purpose of this directive is to clearly outline precinct boundaries within the corporate limits of the city of Detroit, which consists of 139.4 square miles and eleven police precincts.

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish the policies and procedures for the appointment of Special Purpose Committees.

  • The purpose of this directive is to provide all supervisors of the Department with an overview of Department expectations and general principles of supervision.

  • The purpose of this policy is to provide procedures for the Detroit Police Department’s (DPD) record retention system.

  • The purpose of this directive is to establish the guidelines and procedures for acquiring, accessing disseminating and retaining data stored in the Detroit Police Department’s (DPD) computerized information systems.

  • This directive outlines the commanding officer’s duty to ensure that the timely preparation of all reports inclusive, but not limited to, those listed in the following sections are completed.

  • Issues/Procedures for Conducting Closed City Council Meetings in a Virtual Session.

  • Report on Legality of Allocation of Marihuana Revenue into Social Equity Grants

  • August 2020 edition of the Clement Kern Gardens Community Newsletter

  • May 2020 edition of the Clement Kern Gardens Community Newsletter