Construction Inspection

The Construction Inspection Division is responsible for performing inspections on construction activities to ensure that construction projects meet approved plans and comply with building codes and standards. 

The Construction Inspection Division inspects private demolition work, the installation of signs and awnings, and processes insurance escrow accounts for fire repair. The Construction Inspection Division investigates complaints related to construction permit activities, and also issues certificates of acceptance and certificates of occupancy on new construction projects and developments.

Getting to the Finish Line

How to get a Certificate of Occupancy

Step 1. Once all work is approved the permit holder fills out the Certificate of Occupancy Application. Complete your & submit in person to Room 408 or via email to [email protected]

Step 2. A DAH Blight Clearance form is submitted

Customer turnaround time for a Certificate of Occupancy is 72 hours.

Step 3. Customers receive a Certificate of Occupancy in person at CAYMC building Suite 408, through the U.S. mail or email

Additional information for filling out the C of O Application Form

How to get a Certificate of Acceptance

A Certificate of Acceptance (C of A) is issued when the work that the contractor has completed has been inspected by a city inspector and approved by a supervisor of the trade of the type of work completed. 

Step 1. Schedule an inspection with a Buildings & Safety Inspector

Step 2. A Buildings & Safety Inspector checks that the work has been completed in compliance with current codes

Step 3.  After the work has had the final inspection by a Buildings & Safety Inspector of the proper discipline, work is then approved by a supervisor and marked completed.

Step 4. Once approved, the permit holder may receive a Certificate of Acceptance through the U.S. Mail, email, or in person pick-up at CAYMC building, Suite 408. Customer turnaround time for a Certificate of Acceptance is 72 hours.

(If the work is done by a contractor, the property owner may receive the Certificate of Acceptance if the contractor gives permission in a certified letter.)

How to Register & Renew Contractor License

Step 1. Fill out the registration & renewal form

See specific trades for additional requirements.

How to schedule your inspection with the necessary trade

Step 1. Schedule an inspection with a Buildings & Safety Inspector online here or call us at (313) 224-3202

See specific trades for additional requirements.
Six trade teams include: boilers, buildings, electrical, elevators, mechanical, plumbing


Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm, Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Suite 408 
General Customer Services(313) 224-3202
Construction Inspection Division Email[email protected]
Trade Licensing & Testing: Engineering /Boiler(313) 224-3184 -or- Elevators (313) 224-9401

Chief of Construction Inspection: Randy Hargraves
Phone: (313) 224-9102 
Email[email protected]

Deputy Chief of Construction Inspection: Robert DeBerardino
Phone: (313) 628-2457 
Email: [email protected]

Assistant Chief of Construction Inspection: Granville W. Nixon Jr.
Phone: (313) 224-3209 
Email: [email protected]

Office Management Assistant : Oceachia Jones
Phone: (313) 224-3201
Email: [email protected]

Fire Escrow: Doug Glavac (313) 628-2660


Trade Inspection Supervisors:                       


Aijalon Denham

[email protected] 

(313) 628-2433


Jerrid Pernell

[email protected]

(313) 628-2458


Rickey Harris

[email protected]

(313) 224-3113


Alex Macdonald

[email protected]

(313) 224-9401


Clarence Burnett

[email protected]

(313) 224-3189


Ross Brackett

[email protected] 

(313) 224-3157