In Progress

  • Kercheval Streetscape 

    Kercheval (Alter Road to Ashland Street)

    The proposed streetscape project at Kercheval Avenue and Ashland Street could include lighting, sidewalk improvements, traffic calming, utility work, landscaping, trees, and site furnishings. The total estimated design and construction costs of this project is $1 million. DPW anticipates construction to begin in September 2025 and to be completed in Nov 2025.

  • 03.20.2025 D4 Virtual COO Meeting (1) Presentation: Kercheval.pdf

    Contact: Calvin Johnson

    email: [email protected] 


  • E Milwaukee/E Grand bike lanes Joe Louis Greenway, Hamtramck Drive/E Grand

     E. Milwaukee Ave., (Hastings St. to E. Grand Blvd), & E. Grand Blvd., (Hastings St. and E. Grand Blvd)

    The proposed project includes the addition of bike facilities on E. Milwaukee Ave., between Hastings St. and E. Grand Blvd; the removal of bike lanes on E. Grand Blvd. between the intersection of Hastings St. and E. Grand Blvd., and the intersection of Hamtramck Dr. and E. Grand Blvd; and a shared-use path, known as the Joe Louis Greenway, on Hamtramck Dr. and E. Grand Blvd., from the City of Hamtramck border and the Saint Aubin St. Intersection. The total budgeted amount for the addition of bike facilities on Hastings St. and E. Milwaukee Ave., along with the removal of bike lanes on E Grand Blvd. is $101,000. The total budgeted amount for the shared-use path on Hamtramck Dr. and E. Grand Blvd. is $4,600,000. Construction is anticipated to begin July 2025 to be completed July 2026

  • 03.19.2025 COO Virtual Meeting (2) Presentation: E Milwaukee (2).pdf
    02.19.2025 COO Virtual Meeting (1) Presentation: E Milwaukee (1).pdf

    Contact: Augusta Gudeman

    email: [email protected] 


  • Virginia Park Streetscape Project

     Virginia Park Road (John C. Lodge Freeway to Woodward Ave.)

    The Virginia Park Road Reconstruction project is a curb-to-curb reconstruction of the historic 30-foot-wide road from John C. Lodge Freeway to Woodward Ave. The road itself is characterized by its original brick paver surface and stone curbs which will be replaced. Additional improvements of strategically target areas could include repair of worn concrete sidewalk and driveway approaches that front the street, replacement of several noncompliant ADA crosswalk ramps, new shade street trees, and minimal upgrades to existing site furnishings. The estimated construction cost for the project is $5,278,100 with construction starting on Spring 2025 to be completed late Fall 2025.

    01.21.2025 COO Meeting (2) Presentation: Virgina Park (2).pdf
    08.13.2024 COO Meeting (1) Presentation: Virgina Park (1).pdf

    Contact: Dolin Diaz

    email: [email protected] 


  • D6 ARPA: W. Warren Streetscape

    W Warren (Central Street and Livernois Avenue)

    The proposed project includes streetscape improvements along W. Warren Avenue between Central Street and Livernois Avenue. The project aims to address traffic safety issues, create a safe multimodal connection to the Joe Louis Greenway Warren Trailhead, and provide an inviting environment for neighbors and other roadway users. Proposed improvements may include cost-effective traffic calming treatments (e.g., lane reconfiguration, protected bike lanes, curb extensions, etc.), traffic signal improvements, spot sidewalk repair, public art (e.g., street/sidewalk murals), and other low-cost streetscape amenities with a budgeted amount of $1.25-million dollars. Construction is anticipated to begin April 2025 to be completed September 2025.

    01.23.2025 COO Meeting (2) Presentation: D6 ARPA W Warren (2)
    12.12.2024 COO Meeting (1) Presentation: D6 ARPA W Warren (1)

    Contact: Calvin Johnson

    email: [email protected]


  • 48217 Slow Streets Improvements

    Beatrice Street (Outer Drive to Miami Street), Miami Street (Deacon Street to Fort Street), and Deacon Street (Miami Street to Schaefer Highway)

    Proposed improvements may include pavement markings, wayfinding signage, and traffic calming treatments, such as speed humps, traffic circles, and curb extensions. The project may include other traffic calming and street improvements, spot sidewalk repair, public art (e.g., street/sidewalk murals, neighborhood gateway signage), and other amenities throughout the 48217 area. The total budgeted amount is $1,450,000. The second phase of construction is anticipated to begin April 2025 and to be completed in September 2025.

    01.29.2025 COO Meeting (2) Presentation: 48217 (2)
    10.16.2024 COO Meeting (1) Presentation: 48217 (1)
  • Questions?

    Contact: Calvin Johnson

    email: [email protected]


  • Michigan Ave. Streetscape 

    Michigan Ave (Cass to Woodward)

    The City of Detroit Department of Public Works is making improvements to Michigan Avenue between Cass and Woodward. The streetscape could include lighting, sidewalk improvements, traffic calming, utility work, landscaping, signage, pavement markings and site furnishings. The total estimated design and construction costs of this project is $6.6 million. DPW anticipates construction to begin in Winter 2026 and to be completed in Fall 2026.

    12.4.2024 COO Meeting (1) Presentation: Michigan Ave
  • Questions?

    Contact: Christina Peltier

    email: [email protected] 


  • Randolph Streetscape

    Randolph (Gratiot and Jefferson)

    The City of Detroit Department of Public Works is making improvements to Randolph between Gratiot and Jefferson. The streetscape will include lighting, sidewalk improvements, traffic calming, utility work, landscaping, signage, pavement markings and site furnishings. The total estimated design and construction costs of this project is $7.6 million. DPW anticipates construction to begin in December 2024 and to be completed in Fall 2025. Please join us at 6:00 p.m. to talk with City staff and at 6:15 p.m. for a presentation.

    12.10.2024 COO Meeting (1) Presentation: Randolph Streetscape

    Contact: Christina Peltier

    email: [email protected] 


  • Monroe Streetscape Project

    Road Diet, Lighting Improvements, and Green Infrastructure. Greektown Project.


    Contact: Christina Peltier

    email: [email protected] 


  • W. Jefferson Streetscape Project

    Realignment at Rosa Parks, two way cycle track, two travel lanes, one turn lane, parking on both sides, and improved crossings.


    Contact: Christina Peltier

    email: [email protected]