CDBG NOF 2025-2026 NOFA Best Practices Workshop
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund
2026-2027 CDBG NOF Application Information Coming Soon!
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund 2025- 2026 Grant Information
- 2025-2026 CDBG NOF Information and Application Guide Click Here
- 2025-2026 CDBG NOF FAQS Click Here
- NOF Workshop #1 8/27/2024 Workshop Recording Here
- NOF Workshop #1 8/27/2024 PowerPoint Slides Here
- NOF Workshop #2 - 9/19/2024 (IN PERSON) PowerPoint Slides Here
- CDBG NOF 2025-2026 Best Practices Workshop - 7/16/2024- PowerPoint Slides Here
- CDBG NOF 2025-2026 Best Practices Workshop Recording Here
- To register with the Supplier Portal - click here
NOF Office Hours - click here to book an appointment.
Program Overview
Since 1976, City Council has provided grants for public service programs proposed by nonprofit and neighborhood service organizations through the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund (NOF) program. This program, which is a part of the City's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, provides funds for public services to improve the quality of life of low-income residents in the City of Detroit. The program currently awards grants in the areas of Education, Seniors, Recreation, Health, and Public Safety.
Detroit’s NOF program is one of many initiatives benefitting Detroit residents that are administered by the Housing and Revitalization Department (HRD). Any Detroit community organization, human service organization, or nonprofit can apply. To help groups with the application process each fall, HRD holds an informational training session. Applications are reviewed by HRD, which then makes recommendations to the Detroit City Council on which proposals to award funding. After the funds are awarded, HRD will monitor recipients and collect reporting on how the funds are spent.
Get to know some of our subrecipients:
Project Healthy Community In 2024 awarded $82,199 for providing the Family Wellness Program to improve the health of Detroit residents through improved health literacy, health behaviors, nutrition, and exercise. The program seeks to strengthen the relationship between participants and their primary care providers.
Urban Neighborhood Initiatives Awarded $70,789 for out-of-school education for youth ages 5-14/after school and summer enrichment programs/ sports/ STEM, art, and computer.
Siena Literacy Center provides Educational Opportunities to adults. They were awarded $70,789 in 2024 for providing educational one-to-one or small group tutorial services to adults to increase their basic skills, assist ESL learners, increase computer literacy and prepare them for taking the GED or seeking employment.
COVID CARES Funding: CDBG – CV Subrecipients
Congress provided $5 billion in the CARES Act for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program to states, metropolitan cities, urban counties, and insular areas.
At least 70 percent of every grant must be expended for activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons by providing housing, a permanent job, a public service, or access to new or significantly improved infrastructure. The remaining 30 percent may be used to eliminate slum or blighted conditions, or to address an urgent need for which the grantee certifies it has no other funding.
Eligible activities include:
- Public service activities
- Housing-related activities
- Public improvements and facilities
- Activities to acquire real property
- Economic development activities
- General administrative and planning activities
Activities must benefit residents within the jurisdiction of the grantee or as permitted by the CARES Act.
The City of Detroit, Neighborhood Services division was awarded $2,511,678 in CARES funding to distribute to local subrecipients.