The DDOT State Fair Virtual Town Hall presentation is now available for download

Render of the Dairy Cattle Building as the Detroit State Fairground Transit Center

DDOT recently hosted several virtual town hall meetings, through which we were able to gather valuable rider input on the planned State Fair Transit Center.

The presentation is available for review by clicking here

Feedback regarding the State Fair Transit Center is still welcome and can be sent to [email protected].​

Updates will be posted at

Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building


Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building


Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building


Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building


Interior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center, highlighting the waiting area


Interior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center, highlighting the archway, benches, and bays
Exterior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as the Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center and the Coliseum South Portico as Outdoor Public Event Space


Exterior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as the Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center and the Coliseum South Portico as Outdoor Public Event Space