عرض DDOT State Fair Virtual Town Hall متاح الآن للتنزيل

Render of the Dairy Cattle Building as the Detroit State Fairground Transit Center

استضافت DDOT مؤخرًا العديد من اجتماعات مجلس المدينة الافتراضية ، والتي تمكنا من خلالها من جمع مدخلات قيمة للراكب في مركز State Fair Transit Centre المخطط له.

العرض متاح للمراجعة بالضغط هنا .

لا تزال التعليقات المتعلقة بمركز State Fair Transit Center موضع ترحيب ويمكن إرسالها إلى [email protected] .

سيتم نشر التحديثات على الموقع detroitmi.gov/DDOTStateFair .

Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building

Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building

Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building

Render of the new DDOT State Fair Transit Center, exterior shot of the Dairy Cattle Building

Interior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center, highlighting the waiting area

Interior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center, highlighting the archway, benches, and bays
Exterior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as the Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center and the Coliseum South Portico as Outdoor Public Event Space

Exterior render of the Dairy Cattle Building as the Detroit State Fairgrounds Transit Center and the Coliseum South Portico as Outdoor Public Event Space