The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) will host an I-375 Reconnecting Communities Project Public Meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 20
I-375 Reconnecting Communities
Our vision - new boulevard corridor that creates equitable opportunities, enhances mobility, celebrates our centers of culture, and honors our history.
The I-375 Reconnecting Communities Project by the Michigan Department of Transportation is a transformational project to convert the downtown interstate spur and the Gratiot Connector to a surface boulevard. The conversion will address the inherent safety concerns with maintenance of the highway and bridges, the current interchange, and accessibility into surrounding communities and the Riverfront.
This project requires a greater understanding of the impacts to surrounding communities: historic harm of past urban renewal efforts that removed a great center of black culture, commerce, and people; impacts of construction on surrounding communities and businesses and how to mitigate them; and the need to maintain safe connections and access for Detroiters and our visitors.
I-375 cut off the adjacent neighborhood from downtown and led to the demolition of Hastings Street, the last part of the Black Bottom neighborhood. Removing the expressway and replacing it with a boulevard will reconnect city streets in the area. While it won't bring back Hastings Street, it offers opportunities to honor the area's history, promote equitable development, enhance cultural spaces, and improve mobility.
Neighborhood Framework
The City of Detroit, through extensive community engagement, will develop a NEIGHBORHOOD FRAMEWORK, to understand the opportunities and challenges that come with the I-375 Reconnecting Communities Project. The framework is to be developed with elements of study that include: zoning & land-use; urban design and neighborhoods; mobility; open space; and history, arts and culture.
Since this major infrastructure project will have a substantial impact on nearby neighborhoods and will create 30+ acres of developable land, a framework is needed.
The framework will work with the community to answer a series of questions; for example:
How should the new developable land be zoned?
What types of development should be in the new parcels? How large or small should the (potential) developments be?
What should the right-of-way look like on the newly created roads?
Should there be green space on the new parcels? Is so, how much?
What should it be like to travel through the area?
How should this area connect to the existing neighborhoods?
What are the stormwater management opportunities for the area?
What are the potential infrastructure upgrades for the area?
What are the opportunities to support arts & culture in the area?
How should the Hastings Street history be recognized?
How should the boulevard connect to the Riverfront?
The newly created developable land will be owned by the State of Michigan and subject to Federal Department of Transportation regulations. Creating a plan with clear recommendations for the area is critical to help guide the disposition of the land and to direct financial resources for potential projects and enhancements.
Framework Scope
Upcoming Meeting
Framework Timeline
Introduction to the I-375 Neighborhood Framework
The City of Detroit hosted a community meeting to introduce the I-375 Neighborhood Framework process and elements of study at The Eastern on December 3, 2024 at 5:30. There was a wonderful turnout where we got to listen to residents on their thoughts on the framework process and elements (such as zoning and land-use, urban design, and the role history art and culture should have in this project). Currently we are documenting the information from that meeting to make available for the public as well as the livestream from MDOT. Click here to view the PowerPoint presentation given during the community meeting.
Past Meetings
December 3, 2024 Community Meeting – I-375 Neighborhood Framework Introduction
October 17, 2024 – I-375 LAC Meeting – I-375 Neighborhood Framework Kickoff and PDB Overview
- I-375 Local Advisory Committee Meeting
- Committee members received a presentation and update on the consultant kick-off of the I-375 Neighborhood Framework and the elements that will comprise the framework: Zoning and Land-Use; Urban Design; and History, Art and Culture. Members also received an overview of the progressive design-build method of delivery for the new boulevard and how the framework can influence the design. Click above to view the LAC presentation.
May 2, 2024 - Zoning and Land-Use Study COO Meeting
May 8, 2024 - Zoning and Land Use Study COO Meeting