Islandview Greater Villages Planning Strategy

In an effort to achieve Mayor Duggan's commitment to neighborhoods, the City of Detroit's Planning and Development Department (PDD) is working on near-term implementation initiatives in several Detroit neighborhoods, including Islandview, West Village, Indian Village, and East Village.

The City of Detroit has mobilized a near and long-term neighborhood implementation strategy for the neighborhoods in the Islandview/Greater Villages (IVGV). Documents associated with the Islandview / Greater Villages Neighborhood Framework can be found below:

  1. IVGV Near-Term Implementation Presentation (2018)
  2. DEGC Neighborhood Retail Opportunity Study (2018)
  3. IVGV Development Impact Assessment Report (2019)
  4. IVGV Neighborhood Framework Document (2020)

Implementation Update

Islandview Greater Villages Book Cover


FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please contact Josh Bails, Development Director, East Region in the Housing and Revitalization Department. Email: [email protected]

  1. Rehabbed & Ready – Click HERE for Sales Listing from the Detroit Land Bank Authority (DLBA)
  2. Kercheval Streetscape – Click HERE for Updates from the Department of Public Works (DPW);