Children's Special Health Care Services

Children’s Special Health Care Services (CSHCS) serves children, youth and some adults with special health care needs and supports their families. Clients must be under the age of 26. Clients age 26 and above with cystic fibrosis, hereditary coagulation defects commonly known as hemophilia, or hereditary red blood cell disorders commonly known as sickle cell disease may also qualify. CSHCS can help you or your child get medical care and equipment. CSHCS provides care coordination, case management, referrals to community organizations and resources based on client need.

CSHCS helps persons with chronic health problems by providing: 

  • Coverage and referral for specialty services based on the person's health problems
  • Family centered services to support you in your role as primary caretaker of your child
  • Community-based services to help you care for your child at home and maintain normal routines
  • Culturally competent services which demonstrate awareness of cultural differences
  • Coordinated services to pull together the services of many different providers who work within different agencies



Administrative Office

100 Mack Avenue (Third Floor), Detroit, MI 48201
Monday – Friday from 8:30AM until 4PM

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