City of Detroit encourages landlords to get homes inspected during pilot phase of new Rental Ordinance

  • In October 2024, City Council passed a new law overhauling the City’s process for inspecting rental homes to improve safety and quality, while simplifying requirements.
  • SEED has launched a pilot of the new system, allowing properties in many Detroit ZIP codes to use a streamlined process to apply for a certificate of compliance.
  • On May 1, BSEED will complete the full launch, which will be open to properties in all ZIP codes and include features like a simplified application process, online inspection scheduling, and low, standardized fees. 


Rental property owners in three-quarters of Detroit ZIP codes can now apply for a rental certificate of compliance using a simplified, well-targeted inspection process, under a pilot phase of the new Rental Ordinance passed by City Council in October 2024. The City of Detroit is urging landlords to use the new process and get their rental properties into compliance.

Properties in the pilot ZIP codes will undergo one safety inspection focused on the most common and serious safety issues seen in rental properties, such as ensuring the home has working utilities and heat, that the roof and plumbing fixtures do not leak, that all windows and doors have working locks, and that older homes do not have damaged paint that could be a lead safety risk. Properties that pass this inspection will receive a certificate of compliance. Properties will no longer require a separate Lead Inspection / Risk Assessment (LIRA).

Under Detroit law, rental properties must have a certificate of compliance to legally rent to tenants, a process intended to ensure that rental housing meets safety standards. In October 2024, City Council passed a revamped rental ordinance to focus inspections on the most significant safety issues, make compliance far simpler for properties in good condition, enhance penalties for property owners unwilling to comply, and offer tenants new tools to respond when their home has safety issues. Councilwomen Mary Waters and Gabriela Santiago-Romero sponsored the new ordinances.

“Every Detroit renter deserves to live in safe and quality housing,” said deputy chief operating officer Andrea Taverna. “We worked closely with tenants, landlords, and council members to develop this new process, and we believe will result in a significantly higher number of rental properties being inspected for safety and coming into compliance with city code. The new process brings Detroit into line with best practices from other cities and states on rental housing compliance and safety.”

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From February 15 through May 1, 2025, the Building, Safety Engineering, and Environmental Department (BSEED) is piloting the new inspection process and will gather feedback from inspectors, property owners, tenants, and stakeholders.

Properties in the following ZIP codes are included in the pilot: 48201, 48202, 48203, 48205, 48207, 48208, 48209, 48214, 48215, 48216, 48217, 48219, 48221, 48223, 48224, 48226, 48228, 48234, 48235, 48239, 48240 (see map below).

During the pilot, property owners in eligible ZIP codes should use the following steps to obtain a certificate of compliance:

  1.  Registering your property as a rental in the City of Detroit eLAPs system
  2. Pass a property condition inspection
    1. 1-2 Unit properties: Schedule with any of the approved inspection companies listed here.
    2. 3+ Unit properties: Schedule an inspection with BSEED by calling (313) 628-245
  3. Upload the passed inspection report via eLAPs.
  4. BSEED will issue a Certificate of Compliance.

Properties outside of pilot ZIP codes should wait to apply for a certificate of compliance until the full launch of the new rental system on May 1, as detailed below. Here are the non-pilot ZIP codes: 48204, 48206, 48210, 48211, 48212, 48213, 48227, 48238.

Map: Phased Launch of New Rental Ordinance 

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On May 1, 2025, BSEED will complete the full launch of the revamped rental ordinance, which will open the new inspection process to properties in all ZIP codes and include features like a simplified application process, online inspection scheduling, and low, standardized fees. The full launch will also combine rental registration and certificate of compliance, currently two separate steps, into one single application to the City.

To receive email updates on the new rental ordinance, register your rental property here.