DBOP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Why Should my business participate on the Detroit Business Opportunity Program?

It is the policy of the City to encourage and increase the utilization of local businesses by giving certified businesses the competitive edge needed to procure with the city of Detroit.

When can I apply for a Detroit Based Certification?

After you have been in business for at least one (1) taxable year, unless applying for Detroit Start-up, Woman- Owned Business Enterprise, and/or Minority-Owned Business Enterprise only.

What are the different types of certifications offered? What is the Business Certification Process?

The process for certifying a business with CRIO is the same for all certifications. The Business Certification Application is online and the business can select which certification(s) it is applying for and can upload the required documents.  

After a business applies and provides all required documentation, then a site visit must occur. The site visit allows CRIO to verify the businesses’ existence and operation. Once a site visit is approved the business is then invoiced for the certification fee. Once the fee is remitted, a signed certificate is e-mailed and mailed to the business. This process takes 30 to 40 days.


How do I apply?

Please visit our website and complete our online application. Please be sure to have all required documents ready to upload at the time of your application submission. Applicants who do not have all of the required documentation will not be considered for certification

What documents do I need to submit with my application?

 A list of documents can be found on our website. You will also find links to all the forms on our website.

Is there a fee associated with the program?

The fee is calculated based on gross receipts from the prior tax year. See the current Fee Schedule here.


How can I check the status of my application?

The easiest way to check your application status is to review our DBOP Pipeline Status dashboard.