Register Now and Case Status

Register Now 

Detroiters have shown great enthusiasm for Project Clean Slate. Over 35,000 Detroiters have registered for the program since 2016! As of August 2024, PCS has helped Detroiters expunge more than 11,000 convictions! If you have not previously registered for PCS and are a current City of Detroit resident, please complete the registration form linked below. You will receive updates from us via email each Tuesday for as long as your file is open.

Check Case Status 

If you have registered for Project Clean Slate and your file is open, you receive a weekly Case Status email update every Tuesday morning. Emails are sent to the email address you used when registering. Please check your junk/spam folder if you are not receiving weekly emails. If you are not receiving emails, please click the “Request Case Status Update” button below and complete the form. Monitor your email for a response.

City Council President
City Council Pro Tem