PDD Case: SWA2024-00558
Design and Development Innovation
The Design and Development Innovation Team facilitates many of the development-related functions of the PDD. This team manages Sign Waiver Hearings and Adjustments for business signs, provides recommendations at various zoning hearings, provides design reviews for new development projects, conducts permit reviews, and advises residents, stakeholders, and other City departments on general zoning matters.
Zoning Innovation
The Office of Zoning Innovation conducts permits reviews on behalf of the department and advises residents, stakeholders, and other City departments on general zoning matters. In addition, this team leads the City's zoning reform efforts meant to support Detroit's revitalization, especially focusing on outcomes of PDD led planning initiatives.
Design Review & Concept Plan Review
The Design Review process aims to ensure design excellence and high standard for quality development within the City of Detroit. Reviews focus matters such as preserving historic structures, maintaining the uniqueness of place, improving the pedestrian experience, promoting high quality building design and materiality, and making new development compatible with its surroundings. This review is now a part of the BSEED Preliminary Plan Review (PPR) Process.
Sign Waiver and Adjustment Hearings
Under Chapter 4 of the City Code, this office administers the Sign Waiver and Adjustment Hearing process. Waivers and adjustments from the provisions of the Code are permitted for certain things, such as larger signs in some cases.