Lahser Streetscape Project

The City of Detroit has completed the Lahser Streetscape Project in the Fall of 2024.

The Lahser Streetscape project focused on creating a safer, more vibrant, and community-centered corridor. The project is designed to increase safety, enhance the visibility and identity of the local arts district, and provide functional spaces for everyday use and programming.

What changes happened?

The Lahser Streetscape project brought several key improvements including, widening sidewalks and upgraded to provide a safer, more accessible walking experience. Landscaping was added along the corridor, featuring trees, shrubs, and flowers to enhance the aesthetic appeal and create a more inviting environment. The road was restriped to improve traffic flow and designate lanes for pedestrians, cyclists, and vehicles. Lighting was also improved, with new fixtures installed to ensure better visibility and safety at night. Additionally, public art installations were integrated into the streetscape, highlighting the area's arts district identity and contributing to a vibrant, creative atmosphere.


Lahser Rd Streetscape Project between Orchard and the Grand River.


Lahser Streetscape
Lahser Streetscape
Lahser Streetscape


For more information contact:
Christina Peltier
[email protected]