Business License Renewal & Expiration Guide
Business License – Cycle Expiration Dates
Below are the expiration dates for business licenses applicable to specific business types:
CYCLE 1: Expires 12-31
- Motor Truck Permits
CYCLE 2: Expires 1-30
- Parking Lot
- Valet Parking
CYCLE 4: Expires 3-31
- Horse Drawn Carriage
- CYCLE 5: Expires 4-30
- Bar/Class C
- Cabaret A B C
- Pet Shop (Live pets)
- Restaurant (Standard/Carry-out/Class C/MLCC)
- Vendors
- Arcade
- Public Dance (2am/4am closing)
- Sexually Oriented Business/Topless
- Concert Cafe
- Fumigation Operator
- Rental Hall
CYCLE 7: Expires 6-30
- Adult Supply Store
- Bathhouse
- Billiard Room
- Hotel/Motel
- Public Lodging House
- Rink Skating (indoor/outdoor)
- Rooming House (11 rooms or more)
- Sports Stadium
- Theatre Burlesque/Stage/Motion Pictures (Adult)
- Amusement Park (5 devices & up)
CYCLE 10: Expires 9-30
- Marijuana Facility
- Shelter
- Cigarette Retail
CYCLE 11: Expires 10-31
- General Food (Pre-Packaged)
- Massage Parlor / School
- Secondhand Store (Jewelry/Clothing/Appliances)
- Pawnbroker
- Used Auto Dealer
- Used Auto Parts
- Used Auto Dealer/ Parts/Wrecking
- Motor Vehicle Service
- Towing Service Yards
- Scrap Tire Processor and Recycler
- Scrap Tire Storage
- Wrecking & Dismantling Yard
- UAD/UAP/Wrecking & Dismantling
- Junk Dealer
- Scrap Iron & Metal Processor
- Rickshaw/Pedal Cab
Business License – Required Approvals Checklist
Thank you for your interest in operating a business within the City of Detroit. This is a checklist to help you identify the necessary inspections, clearances, approvals required for obtaining your business license. Before attempting to use this checklist, you need to either have an existing or apply for a new business license. If you are applying for a business license the first time you should refer to the “Business License Initial Application Guide.”
- Customers can initiate the renewal process by contacting the Licensing & Permits office via phone a 313-224-3179, by email at, or in person at C.A.Y.M.C., 2 Woodward Ave, Suite 402. You will be provided an invoice for your business license fee and a link to remit payment. The invoice must be paid to begin the renewal process.
- Licensing & Permits will provide you with a checklist of required approvals based on your business type. Schedule all required inspections and apply for all required clearances.
- Keep record of all inspections and clearances. Licensing & Permits will receive and review all clearances and inspections. You will receive a business license from Licensing & Permits once all approvals are secured.
Sec. 28-1-14. – Issuance of license; payment of assessments, fees, and taxes prerequisite to issuance of license.
(a) Subject to any requirements of state law and the provisions of this Code concerning the issuance and renewal of licenses to operate within the City, upon receipt of the requisite departmental approvals and proof of any issuance cover or surety bond that may be required by this Code for the particular businesses, a license shall be issued to the applicant.
(b) A license issued under this article shall not be issued to, or renewed for, any applicant owing any assessments, fees, or taxes to the City.
Required Approvals
Business License Fire Inspection – Fire Department
Certificate of Compliance – Property Maintenance Bureau
Clearance – Treasury, Clearance Unit
Environmental Health – Health Department
Food Safety Inspection – Health Department
- Bond / Insurance
- Submit application online at
- Certificate of Occupancy (when permit is finalized) – Construction Inspections
Contact Information
Business License Fire Inspection – Fire Department Fire Marshal Division
Step 1. Call to confirm and pay fee.
Phone: 313-596-2963
Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Note: you can mail your payment or pay via phone with credit card for an additional 3% charge.
Step 2. Call to schedule inspection.
Phone: 313-596-2954
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
In Person (note phone is preferred): 1301 Third St. Detroit MI 48226
Certificate of Compliance – Property Maintenance Bureau
Call to confirm Certificate of Compliance expiration and schedule inspection if needed. You will be mailed an invoice after the inspection takes place. You will not receive your C of C until all fees owed to BSEED have been paid.
Phone: (313) 628-2451
Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
In Person: Buildings, Safety, Engineering and Environmental Department (BSEED)
CAYMC, 2 Woodward, Suite 412
Clearance – Treasury, Clearance Unit
Step 1. Get your Personal Property Tax ID. You must have this in order to apply for a clearance.
Phone: (313) 224-3025
Step 2. Use this link to access the clearance application:
Once on the website:
Please select the appropriate clearance application. The application includes 2 pages:
- Page 1 - Application Information
- Page 2 - Security submits your social security and/or EIN to the City of Detroit
Both pages are required in order to complete your application. (Failure to do so could result in a longer processing time). Please allow 7-10 business days for an update on your clearance.
In Person: Treasury, Clearance Unit, CAYMC, 2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 106
You do not need to schedule this inspection. The Health Department will visit your location according to their schedule. If you have any questions, you may call:
Environmental Health: 313-876-0135
Food Safety: 313-876-0135
Submit application online at
Contact BSEED Licensing & Permits with questions
Check with BSEED Licensing & Permits about whether you require a Police Department clearance and, if so, whether you need to visit the Police Department or whether they will conduct an unannounced inspection. Some business types that require Police Department clearance include:
- Gas stations
- Pedicabs
- Valet drivers
- Parking lot attendants
- Junk collectors