Engagement (Employee Survey)

When will we be getting results of the most recent survey?

The results of the December 2020 survey have been shared with Cabinet, across all departments and a summary of results was sent to all employees via CCSD. For more information on your department's action plans in response to the survey results, please reach out to your department director or team lead.

When is the next survey?

A targeted launch for the next survey is planned for Summer 2022.

How do I submit an Action Plan?

Actions plans are submitted by your dept director or designated leader into the START platform. For more information or access to the START tool, please reach out to Maria Altingul at [email protected].

What is HR doing to meet employee needs based on survey results?

HR has developed a citywide action plan that will address the most critical needs of the population. We plan to combine efforts with various departments to create programming and solutions for these needs.

Employee Resource Groups

Creating an inclusive and engaging company culture requires strategic planning around diversity and equality. Employee resource groups (ERGs) offer a unique, employee-driven way to achieve a cohesive work environment. Learn more about the significance of employee resources groups and how to set them up at your workplace. Access this link for more information on Employee Resource Groups: https://intranet.detroitmi.gov/departments/employee-resource-groups