September 18th, 2024, Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Special Land Use Hearings


9:00 AM

Case: SLU2024-00053

Address: 12507, 12509, 12513, 12517, 12521, 12529, 12533, 12537, 12549, 12551, & 12555 Livernois Ave. (PIN: 16018114., 16018113., 16018112., 16018111., 16018110., 16018109., 16018108., 16018107., 16018106.002L, 16018106.001, & 16018105.)

Proposed Use:

Intensify an existing Specially Designated Distributor’s (SDD) and Specially Designated Merchant’s (SDM) establishment by adding a 1,139 square foot Laundromat and a 406 square foot Carry-Out Restaurant within an existing 6,012 square foot building in a B4 (General Business) Zoning District.


9:30 AM

Case: SLU2024-00112

Address: 14310 Pembroke St.. (PIN: 22018352.)

Proposed Use:

Establish a Group Day Care Home in an existing single-family dwelling in an R2 (Two-Family Residential) Zoning District.


10:00 AM

Case: SLU2024-00119

Address: 2445 and 2447 Cass Ave. (PIN: 02002278.002L & 02002278.001)

Proposed Use:

Modify SLU2023-00122 to add a 3,920 square foot vacant parcel to provide landscaping for a proposed 16-unit Multiple-Family Dwelling in a B4-H (General Business-Historic) Zoning District.

Meeting ID: 895 1710 6887

Dial- In Number: 1-267-831-0333