Mayor joins in celebration of the $6.7M ARPA-funded restoration of historic Dodge Fountain in Hart Plaza

  • Dodge Fountain restoration funded by President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act  
  • After nearly three decades, the restored features springs into new life 


Today, Mayor Duggan joined city officials, community partners, and residents to celebrate the completion of the nearly $7 million restoration of the iconic Dodge Fountain in Hart Plaza.  After sitting dormant for nearly a decade and months of meticulous repairs and upgrades, the Horace E. Dodge and Son Memorial Fountain is once again ready to welcome Detroiters and visitors alike.  

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Dodge Fountain unveils spectacular new water show at the official Restoration Celebration event.


The restoration project, led by the City’s Construction & Demolition Department, utilized $6.7 million from President Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA,) which is one part of the overall total for the Hart Plaza renovation project totaling to $9 million in ARPA funds. This marks the beginning of broader revitalization efforts aimed at transforming Hart Plaza into a vibrant gathering place for Detroit residents and visitors. 

“It seems nearly every longtime Detroiter has a fond childhood memory of being at Hart Plaza and being sprayed or soaked by Dodge Fountain,” said Mayor Duggan. “When it was allowed to fall into neglect and disuse, it became just one more thing Detroiters felt was taken from them. But today, Detroiters get to celebrate a new beginning with the restoration of Dodge Fountain and the start of another generation of happy memories for the children of our city.”  

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Mayor Duggan delivers remarks at the official Dodge Fountain Restoration Celebration ceremony.


The restoration process involved several critical steps, including the thorough removal and replacement of metal panels from the fountain’s dome, and comprehensive repairs to the jets, lighting, and plumbing systems. The newly restored fountain now stands tall with shining metal paneling, revitalized jets, an array of unique water features, and LED lighting displays, making it a remarkable centerpiece in Hart Plaza once again. 

 LaJuan Counts, Director of the Construction and Demolition Department, emphasized that seeing the Dodge Fountain restored and running in all its glory is truly a celebration. She stated, “It’s more than the restoration of a fountain, but the revitalization of a community space that holds immense historical and cultural significance in Detroit for many Detroiters.” Counts continued, “The completion of the Dodge Fountain restoration is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team at the City of Detroit Construction & Demolition Department. We are honored to have led this transformative project, which underscores our commitment to preserving Detroit's landmarks and enhancing public spaces for generations to come.” 

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Mayor Duggan, city officials, and community partners smile proudly in front of the newly restored Dodge Fountain.


The City’s commitment to preserving its landmarks and enhancing public spaces is reflected in the completion the restoration project. The restored Dodge Fountain has already been the focal point of many significant events in Detroit, including—NFL Draft, Movement Festival, Pride Fest and it is expected to be a focal point for many community activities, celebrations, and daily enjoyment, adding to the Citys beloved culture and history.  

 “Built in 1981, the Dodge Fountain has been a part of Detroit’s memories for decades,” reflected Jamon Jordan, City of Detroit Historian. “When we came downtown, to the festivals at Hart Plaza, to the riverfront, to what is now Huntington Place, we would stop at the Fountain. We’d say, meet me at the Fountain, and everyone knew how to find it in the center of Hart Plaza. The reopening of this fountain is the reopening of so many of our great memories of being in downtown Detroit.” 

 About the City of Detroit Construction & Demolition Department: The City of Detroit Construction & Demolition Department is committed to enhancing the city’s infrastructure through meticulous planning, innovative construction methods, and sustainable practices. The department plays a crucial role in preserving Detroit’s historical sites while promoting urban renewal and development.