3PM TODAY: City’s Taxpayer Resource Fair to help homeowners avoid risk of foreclosure, share vital resources

  • The Detroit Taxpayer Service Center staff, Wayne County Treasurer’s Office, Assessors Office, Detroit Water & Sewerage Department, Secretary of State, Wayne Metro and DivDat to address questions and concerns  
  • The event is designed to provide our community with information about various resources available, and to promote community education* 
  • Residents can get vital information about City of Detroit resources and other taxpayer assistance programs 


The Detroit Taxpayer Service Center is hosting a resource fair to provide information on property taxes, programs, and other resources to help homeowners avoid the risk of foreclosure. The fair will be held TODAY 3-6 p.m. at Roberto Clemente Recreation, 2631 Bagley St. in southwest Detroit. 

Attendees can get information about current and delinquent property taxes, property tax programs (e.g., the Plan Ahead Program, the Homeowners Property Tax Exemption (HOPE) program), and Primary Residence Exemptions (PREs).  Information about home improvement loans, utility assistance/programs, and convenient ways to pay taxes will be provided.  

Agencies/departments participating include:  

  • City of Detroit Treasury 
  • Wayne County Treasurer’s Office 
  • Office of the Assessors/Board of Review 
  • Housing and Revitalization Department 
  • Detroit Health Department  
  • Detroit Department of Transportation  
  • Detroit Ombudsman Office 
  • Detroit Water & Sewerage Department
  • Michigan Secretary of State 
  • Detroit Land Bank Authority
  • Civil Rights, Inclusion, and Opportunity (CRIO) Department  

“We know how important home ownership is for Detroiters and this Taxpayer Resource Fair is a way to share and connect residents to vital programs and other resources that will help in maintaining home ownership,” said Nikhil Patel, City of Detroit Chief Deputy CFO and Treasurer. 

For more information on the Taxpayer Resource Fair, please email DTSC@detroitmi.gov

*Translators will be available upon request 

Taxpayer Resource Fair event - Friday, April 12