Meeting Notice of the
Property Assessment Board of Review
The Board of Review hears and determines appeals along with certain other matters concerning real and personal property assessments and/or classifications. The Board of Review is one of the only opportunities in which a taxpayer may appeal before taxation on their real and/or personal property. The Board of Review has three (3) periods during the year in which its work must be complete based upon statutory mandates; they are the March Board of Review, July Board of Review and December Board of Review.
Board of Review shall represent a cross-section of the community and shall be comprised of nine (9) residents of city (one from each of the seven council and two at-large) who shall be appointed by a majority of the City Council members serving on the basis of their knowledge of and familiarity with real estate property values, assessment practices and taxation. As far as possible, different professions and occupations shall be represented on the Board. The Board members shall not be members of any other city agency board, department, commission or other division of municipal government.
Valuation appeals are generally heard during the month of March. While not required, an appeal may be filed to the Assessor's Review between the 1st and 22nd of February. The Board of Review shall appoint special subcommittees to review and submit recommendations to the full Board of Review on appeals requesting tax exemptions on the basis of poverty under MCL2 l l .7u and/or disabled veterans exemption under P.A. 161.
MCL211. 7u: The principal residence of persons who, in the judgment of the…..Board of Review, by reason of poverty, are unable to contribute to the public charges is eligible for exemption in whole or in part from taxation under this act.
P.A. 161: Real property used and owned as a homestead by a disabled veteran who was discharged from the armed forces of the United States under honorable conditions or by an individual described in subsection (2) is exempt from the collection of taxes under this act.
If you are appealing your property tax value during the March Board of Review, it is important that you provide as much accurate information about your property as possible including photographs, estimates for repairs, sales studies, comparisons and/or any other information that you may need to present relative to the change in assessment you are requesting. Information about your neighborhood and the surrounding areas may be considered but your focus should be your primary property first.
Correspondence and Contact Information:
Detroit Property Assessment Board of Review
District 7 - Lewis Moore - Chair
District 1 - Jacqueline Robinson - Vice Chair
At-Large - Geraldine Chatman
At-Large - La'Toshia Patman
District 2 - Marcus Twyman
District 3 - Donielle January
District 4 - Teresa Dubose
District 5 - Maria Muhammad
District 6 - Jannina Pena
Property Assessment Board of Review
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center
2 Woodward Ave.
Suite 105
Detroit, Michigan 48226
An appeal to the Board of Assessors Review may be filed between February 1st and 22nd, but is not required. Appeals to the March Board of Review is required to be filed by 4:30pm Monday, March 11, 2024.
The March Session of the Detroit Board of Review shall convene in-person on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, at 9:00 A.M. to examine and review the Tentative 2024 Assessment Rolls and shall continue in session for as many days thereafter, as needed, but no later than Monday, April 1, 2024, to complete the review. Appeals to the Assessors Review are recommended before appealing to the Detroit Board of Review at their March Session. All appeals must be submitted in writing by filing a completed "Petition to the March Board of Review" on Form L-4035 by Monday, March 11, 2024, 4:30p.m. EST at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Property Assessment Board of Review, Suite 105, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. or in the following manner:
1. Email-March Board of Review petition can be submitted by email to [email protected]
2. In Person-Visit the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Property Assessment Board of Review,
Suite 105, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
3. Mail-Send completed March Board of Review petition (Form 618-L-4035) to: Board of Review,
Attn: March Board of Review, 2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 804, Detroit, MI 48226. The
envelope must be received by March 11, 2024, 4:30p.m. EST. A drop box is also located
outside the Woodward entrance of the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center to drop off your
appeal without entering the building.
4. If an agent is filling the appeal on behalf of the property owner, the authorization to act as the authorized agent must be received prior to the scheduled March 2024 Board of Review hearing.
The Board of Review will conduct hearings through Saturday, March 23, 2024. All final decisions not rendered on the actual hearing date will be presented on Monday, March 25, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. at the Coleman A Young Municipal Center, Property Assessment Board of Review, Suite 105, so that on Monday, April 1, 2024, the roll shall be fully compiled and finally confirmed by the Detroit Board of Review.
Pursuant to State law, only persons liable to be taxed and therefore on the assessment roll, such as the owner, or that person’s agent may file an appeal to March Board of Review. If an agent is filing an appeal on behalf of the person liable for the tax, sufficient evidence to act as an agent must be provided. That evidence must include a letter of authorization for each property executed by the person otherwise entitled to file the appeal. All companies, LLCs and/ or corporations must provide organization documents along with the title and name of the authorized person(s) to act on behalf of the entity.
Filing a protest with the Board of Review is necessary to protect your right to further appeal valuation and exemption disputes to the Michigan Tax Tribunal and classification appeals to the State Tax Commission.
March 2024 Board of Review Hearing Procedure
March Board of Review Hearings are required to be in person. MCL 211.30 states that a non-resident taxpayer may file a protest in writing and is not required to make a personal appearance.
March Board of Review Hearings are conducted in person or available virtually via Zoom. Cameras must be on if appearing virtually. You will have a limited time to make your presentation, so provide your documentation in advance of the meeting.
A March Board of Review hearing can be scheduled in two ways:
- Online- Hearings can be self-scheduled online based on availability. A hearing and submission of documents can be done
2. In Person-Visit the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Property Assessment Board of Review, Suite 105, Monday-Friday 8 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. A representative will schedule your hearing while you are in the office or will call to set up and confirm your hearing date and time.
The March Board of Review Petition form may be obtained online at:, in person by visiting the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, Property Assessment Board of Review, Suite 105, Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. You may email [email protected] to file your timely March Board of Review hearing or for questions to the Board of Review.
The Board of Review will consider any adjustments and reductions to value made at the Board of Assessors Review. An inspection (interior, exterior or both) of the property from the Office of the Assessor would be required to warrant a revision to due to damage, error of the assessed value or incorrect property classification. The March Board of Review may only determine if your assessment is fair, not how much tax you will pay.
It is important that you provide as much accurate information about your property as possible including photographs, estimates for repairs, sales studies, comparisons and/or any other information that you may need to present relative to the change in assessment you are requesting prior to your hearing. The focus of your appeal should be your property.
Provide supportive evidence related to sale of similar properties in your specific neighborhood and those factors that should have been considered by the Assessor in determining the value of your property, as noted in the section above entitled, General Information About Taxable Values Shown in this Notice.
Circumstances as structural defects, fire damage, demolition, or incorrect property data. At the time of appeal submission, photos of property structural defects, invoices, estimates, fire/demolition reports, and property appraisals. A recent appraiser from a licensed appraiser showing the value is significantly different would be accepted. Mortgage appraisals are usually not acceptable.
Tuesday, March 5, 2024 – 9:00AM Board of Review Organizational Meeting
Will consider appeals at the Crowell Recreation Center 16630 Lasher Rd Detroit, MI 48219 on the following dates and times:
Wednesday, March 6, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Thursday, March 7, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Friday, March 8, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Saturday, March 9, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Monday, March 11, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Tuesday, March 12, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Wednesday, March 13, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Thursday, March 14, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session, 1:00 PM Session and 6:00 PM Session
Will consider appeals at the Samaritan Center 5555 Conner St. Detroit, MI 48213 on the following dates and times:
Friday, March 15, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Saturday, March 16, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Monday, March 18, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Tuesday, March 19, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Wednesday, March 20, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Thursday, March 21, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session, 1:00 PM Session and 6:00 PM Session
Friday, March 22, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Saturday, March 23, 2024 – 9:00 AM Session and 1:00 PM Session
Monday, April 1, 2024-9:00AM
1. On the Web:
2. By Telephone
Dial-In Number Meeting ID
+13017158592, 84964354612# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799 84964354612# US (Chicago)
3. Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 267 831 0333 US (Philadelphia)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 213 338 8477 US (Los Angeles)
Meeting ID: 849 6435 4612
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Parties are reminded that Zoom video conferences conducted by the Detroit Board of Review are an extension of the guidelines and appropriate location as well as appearance is required. Participants should be in a quiet location without distractions. Participants should be familiar with how to mute and unmute microphones as well as turn their cameras video on and off prior to selecting this option as their hearing location.
Virtual public attendance is strongly encouraged as, pursuant to public health guidelines, the meeting room will be subject to space limitations, and there are limited additional opportunities for public viewing within the building. For the safety of attendees and participants, it is recommended that the public participate by means of one of the methods listed below:
Members of the public may participate remotely and provide public comment by telephone or videoconference. If you are using a telephone, when the Chairperson asks for public comment, use *9 to raise your hand to speak by telephone. If you are using the video conference, when the Chairperson asks for public comment, click the participant list and find your name then tap Raise Hand to indicate that you want to make a public comment.
If you need to contact the Board of Review, you may call 313-628-0722 or email [email protected].
If a participant requires interpretation or translation services, please call the Department of Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity at 313-224-4960 or [email protected] and remember to let them know the date and time of the Board of Review meeting for which you need services.
For circumstances that may not allow for hearings to be held at either location, hearings will be conducted at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center 2 Woodward Avenue, Suite 105 Detroit, Michigan 48226 as an alternative location only relative to the associated scheduled dates and time as above.
The March Board of Review can make decisions for the current year assessment roll only. The March Board of Review does not have authority to go back in time and review or change prior year matters. Provide evidence to support your claim. Every person who makes a timely request, protest, or application to the March Board of Review must be notified in writing of the Board of Review’s action and information regarding the right of further appeal, not later than the first Monday in June.