Board of Police Commissioners Policy Directives

Pursuant the Detroit City Charter Section 7-803, the duties of the Detroit Board of Police Commissioners include: "In consultation with the Chief of Police, and with the approval of the Mayor, establish policies rules and regulations."

The Board welcomes public feedback about all active DPD policies and DPD policies currently under review. Each Board and committee meeting allows public comments. The public also may email questions, comments, or suggestions anytime to [email protected].


Policy Directives Currently Under Review by the Board of Police Commissioners

Under each policy, click the links to access the versions and edits of each policy and the key meetings during which the policy was discussed. 

205.5 - Bomb Threats Explosives and Unattended or Suspicious Items 
403.5 Drug and Alcohol Abuse by Department Personnel 
  • Directive (effective 3/25/2024 - expires 3/25/2025)
401.1 Performance Evaluation
  • Directive (effective 3/25/2024 - expires 3/25/2025)
205.4 First Amendment Activities DPD
304.5 Training
  • Directive (effective 03/03/2025 - expired 03/03/2015)
304.2 Use of Force
202.5 Court Appearances
  • Directive (effective 03/25/2024 - 03/25/2025) (BOPC Approved 2-20-2025)
201.6 Stolen and Wanted Motor Vehicles
  • Directive (effective 03/25/2024 - 03/25/2025) (BOPC Approved 3-20-2025)
202.1 Arrest Policy
201.5 Responding To Mental Health Crisis
201.3 Domestic Violence
  • Directive (effective 03/25/2024 - expires 3/25/2025)
201.1 Patrol
  • Directive (effective 12/16/2022 - expired 12/16/2023)
101.06 Human Resources
  • Directive (effective 1/30/2020 - expired 1/30/2021) (BOPC Approved 2-20-2025)
BOPC/OCI Department Vehicle Policy
304.6 Body-Worn Cameras
  • Directive (effective 12-16-2022 - expired 12-16-2023)
202.3 Search Warrants and Execution
304.9 Pepperball Launcher
307.5 Facial Recognition
203.11 Eyewitness Identification and Lineups
307.8 Gunshot Detection System
205.11 Officer-Involved Shooting Investigations
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