Notice of Public Outreach: DPW Fleet Management System
DPW Fleet Management System
The City of Detroit Department of Public Works (DPW) plans to install a fleet management GPS camera system in all work vehicles within Solid Waste Division to monitor locations, enhance work production and confirm delivery of services to City of Detroit residents. The two-way camera system will be used to view and confirm refuse pick-up and snow plowing.
DPW will present details for new 3 year contract with CDW-G to provide third party services of Samsara Enterprise services for vehicle gateway, dashboard cameras and GPS tracking. Samsara will provide all hardware as part of monthly rental and software costs through CDW-G. Samsara has preferred pricing through CDW-G. Three quotes were provided, CDW-G was the lowest cost and contract will be awarded to CDW-G. The 3 year contract is for $490,683.
Weekly DONcast Meeting - Monday, October 24, 2022 at 5PM
Special DONcast Meeting - Tuesday, October 25, 2022 at 5PM
Send feedback to:
Georgette C. R. Johnson, Press Secretary, Department of Public Works