Greater Warren/Conner Public Outreach Meeting -9-12-2022


Planning and Development Department (PDD) will be presenting Monday, September 12th at the DONcastCommunity Meeting via Zoom and Tuesday, September 13thvia Zoom to share information about the proposed Greater Warren/Conner Framework Plan. Both meetings will begin at 5:00 pm.

OR Call In: (312) 626-6799Meeting ID: 3631409738

In accordance with a Community Benefit Agreement negotiated under the recent Stellantisplant expansion project, The City of Detroit Planning and Development Department proposes to fulfil the City’s commitment to conduct a neighborhood framework plan with the communities surrounding the Stellantis plant. The Framework Plan proposes to identify common goals for the future of plant-adjacent neighborhoods and direct resources toward the realization of those goals. The planning process could begin in Fall 2022.The cost of this proposal is not available at this time and will be determined upon finalization of the contract with a qualified vendor.


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