E Milwaukee/E Grand Bike Lanes (Joe Louis Greenway) Online: Meeting 2

E Milwaukee/E Grand Bike Lanes (Joe Louis Greenway) Online: Meeting 2
Wednesday, March 19, 2024, 6:00pm 
Online https://cityofdetroit.zoom.us/j/3631409738 Meeting ID: 363-140-9738


The proposed project includes the addition of bike facilities on E. Milwaukee Ave., between Hastings St.and E. Grand Blvd; the removal of bike lanes on E. Grand Blvd. between the intersection of Hastings St. and E. Grand Blvd., and the intersection of Hamtramck Dr. and E. Grand Blvd; and a shared-use path, known as the Joe Louis Greenway, on Hamtramck Dr. and E. Grand Blvd., from the City of Hamtramck border and the Saint Aubin St. intersection.

The total budgeted amount for the addition of bike facilities on Hastings St. and E. Milwaukee Ave., along with the removal of bike lanes on E Grand Blvd. is $101,000. The total budgeted amount for the shared-use path on Hamtramck Dr. and E. Grand Blvd. is $4,600,000. Construction is anticipated to begin July 2025 to be completed July 2026.