Brush Park Residential Parking Third Community Engagement Meeting


The Municipal Parking Department is hosting a zoom community engagement meeting on Thursday, January 12, 2023, from 5:30 pm until 6:30 pm. The purpose is to share the proposed plan for residential parking with the neighbors in the northern portion of Brush Park. The residents' target area starts at the intersection of Woodward and Watson, continues from Woodward to Erskine, Erskine to John R, John R to Erskine, Erskine to Eliot, Eliot to Brush, Brush to Watson, and Watson to Woodward. Upon the conclusion of this community engagement meeting, MPD will finalize its residential zone plans and schedule a public hearing with City Council to gain approval for the proposed residential zone(s). This meeting will only address the zone(s) for the above area, with additional sessions scheduled for the remaining neighborhoods of Brush Park. The Municipal Parking Department is asking any interested residents to participate in the community outreach meeting for the proposed residential plan.


Zoom Meeting Information

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 861 4253 9041

One tap mobile



Starting point: Woodward & Watson,Woodward to Erskine,Erskine to John R,John R to Eliot,Eliot to Brush,Brush to Watson,Watson to Woodward