Detroit for Life

Let's unite and transform our city into an unforgettable place. We're here to create a better future for everyone who calls this city home. So, if you're ready to make a difference, to be a part of something big, to create a sense of belonging and community, then let’s do this. Detroit for Life, you can make it happen!

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Listen Up

Mark your calendar for the first Sunday of every month because that's when we're hosting the Detroit for Life radio show. A show that speaks to all the incredible opportunities our city has to offer. Tune in and don't miss out on what's happening in Detroit!

Your hosts: Vickie Thomas & Dody Johnson on WGPR Hot 107.5

Missed out on previous shows?






Detroit for Life




Opportunities for Detroiters


Explore the categories below to find the tools, resources and programs you are looking for.


Affordable Housing
Affordable housing and other living resources

Blight to Beauty
Making every neighborhood beautiful

Disability, language, immigration, and other services

Business resources in Detroit

Art, community, and experience resources

Resources for families to thrive in Detroit

Fun + Recreation
Parks, programming, and nightlife

Health and human services for all residents

Peace of Mind
Maintaining your home, community, and yourself

Opportunities for work in the City

Police, Fire, Homeland Security