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DWSD Leak Credit
When customers have a plumbing leak, the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department (DWSD) offers you the option to submit a Leak Adjustment Credit Application via the Customer Portal. If approved, the credit will be on the sewerage charges for a defined period. The following describes what types of leaks are eligible and the process to submit the application.
Eligibility for a Leak Adjustment Application:
- When a leak occurs in the water system on customer’s property beyond the stopbox (turn-on/off valve in front of the house or building) and where water is metered and consumed, the customer may be eligible for a one-time adjustment on your sewerage charge.
- The plumbing leak must have been resolved by the customer with proof of both the leak and the repair, which may include but not limited to:
- Photographs
- Repair bills
- Notarized affidavits
- Leaks due to theft, vandalism or construction damage are not covered, and are the responsibility of the property owner.
- Fireline accounts are ineligible.
Requirements for a Leak Adjustment Application:
- You are responsible for submitting a Leak Adjustment Credit Application via the Customer Portal no later than 28 days after the billing statement date first indicating the irregular water usage.
- You may submit one Leak Adjustment Credit Application via the Customer Portal within a rolling twelve (12) month time period.
- Customer must continue to make payments on the account in an amount equal to the prior month’s balance until DWSD makes a determination whether customer is eligible for a Leak Adjustment.
- If your account is delinquent and/or in default of a payment plan agreement, you are not eligible to apply until you resolve the account.
DWSD Review of a Leak Adjustment Application:
- DWSD will review the usage patterns using meter reading data.
- DWSD will also review account notes, if any, related to the leak.
- DWSD will consider the documentation provided by the customer regarding the leak and completed repair.
- If application approved, you may receive an account refund or adjustment on the sewerage charge consistent with your average billing statements for the Seasonal Average Review Period for the month(s) at issue; all water usage remains billed at the full, metered rate.
- For example: Customer’s billing statement for July the previous year was $50 for water charge and $100 for sewerage charge and is consistent with Customer’s Seasonal Average. Customer’s bill for July this year is $100 for water and $200 for sewer and a leak caused the irregular water usage. The water leaking from Customer’s property drained into a grassy area. Therefore, in this case the customer would receive a one-time $100 sewerage credit/adjustment.
If you do not agree with DWSD’s determination, the account holder may submit a Request to Appeal Leak Determination Form within fourteen (14) days of the date of DWSD determination letter.
Submit a Leak Adjustment Application using the DWSD Customer Service Portal