The North End Neighborhood Framework Vision

The Framework recommendations will be developed in partnership between the residents of the North End, community stakeholders, and the City of Detroit.


The North End has experienced many transitions in recent years. As development encroaches on the area, residents need to be a part of the process of determining how the neighborhood grows into the future. The Plan should engage residents producing strategies that provide guidance on the disposition of publicly owned land, housing typology recommendations for new development that works to seamlessly merge the existing housing stock with new developments, and provide recommendations for housing stabilization of existing structures. The Plan should work to offer policy recommendations and actions to tackle affordable housing concerns being felt across the neighborhood. This Plan also seeks to identify tangible strategies to both permanently and temporarily activating Oakland Avenue, while recognizing its place in the City’s magnificent history and its potential for revitalization.

The North End planning area is bounded by East Grand Boulevard to the South, the City of Highland Park to the North, I-75 and the City of Hamtramck (northern portion of the east boundary) to the East, and Woodward Avenue to the West.


North End Study Area - Map


Project Timeline

North End Timeline Graphic - Updated Jul 2024

Request For Proposal (RFP) language

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