Neighborhood Wide/Door to Door
2021 Final Date TBD
The challenges in Delray, a neglected industrial neighborhood in the city of Detroit with high levels of contamination and a large carbon footprint, is being turned to opportunity through the Delray Neighborhood Framework Plan. The overall strategy aims at enhancing the quality of life of residents and workers, mitigating industrial and transportation carbon emissions, boosting land value, managing the flow of people and goods through segregated channels to enhance safety, establishing a long-term hybrid human-landscape through an ecological approach, and enhancing the local economy through cost-effective and energy-efficient strategies that elevate the imageability of Delray as an industrial asset to the City of Detroit.
The recommendations in this plan respond to the needs of the community who wish to remain in their neighborhood. New policy and activities recommended are rooted in support for the existing residential base. Additionally, clear implementable strategies are outlined that will leverage the investment of the Gordie Howe International Bridge (GHIB) and other industries to support the Delray Neighborhood, to promote an industrialized distribution and logistics hub for the Great Lakes region, and create good jobs for Detroiters.
This Framework lay's the groundwork for sustainable solutions and ideas to improve the health and welfare of the Delray neighborhood while maintaining and building on the industries that have been the economic drive for the area and region.
The Delray Neighborhood Framework is a plan of action, co-crafted by residents and the City to help guide future growth and investment in Delray. The Vision of the Delray Neighborhood Framework Plan aims at offsetting environmental impacts of current and projected intense industrial and transportation uses, enhancing the local economy through cost-effective and energy-efficient strategies that elevate the image of Delray as an industrial asset to the city of Detroit and improve the overall quality of life through processes that empower the local communities.
The Neighborhood Framework Plan will serve as a vision and development framework that will guide future investments and job-creating development, and work to improve the overall community well-being and quality of life in Delray.
While this plan will look at ways to assess the positive and negative impacts of the forthcoming Gordie Howe Bridge once completed, the scope of this plan will not address changes to the design of the bridge any of its assets, related community benefits agreements, or the relocation of residents.
1. Promote health and safety for residents, employees, and visitors.
2. Transform neighborhoods through green strategies.
3. Promote thoughtful development.
4. Provide economic opportunity for all Detroiters.
This plan seeks to provide the best urban design practices for landscape and real estate development that balances the opportunities associated with attracting new industrial and logistics development with support for the existing housing stock and residents. Under the guidance of the City of Detroit Planning and Development Department (PDD) and the Detroit Economic Growth Corporation (DEGC), the planning team developed five frameworks for implementation:
Public Meeting: Project Kickoff Delray Neighborhood House 420 S. Leigh Street November 2019 |
Delivery of Plan Packs & Resident Surveys Neighborhood Wide/Door to Door July 2020 |
Neighborhood Canvassing Neighborhood Wide/Door to Door August 2020 |
Public Meeting: Draft Plan & Delray Movie Night Delray Neighborhood House (outdoors) 420 S. Leigh Street September 23rd, 2020 |
Public Meeting: Final Presentation Open House Delray Neighborhood House (outdoors) 420 S. Leigh Street July 24th, 2021 |
Project Leads:
Neighborhood Wide/Door to Door
2021 Final Date TBD
This planning process will be unique, in that future development within the neighborhood will be limited to commercial and industrial uses. The plan will strive to identify solutions to achieve an appropriate and responsible balance between the existing housing and the future and existing industrial uses that will arise with the development of the new Gordie Howe International Bridge.
Locations for tree planting
Delray neighborhood plan presentation boards
The Vision of the Delray Neighborhood Framework Plan aims at offsetting the environmental impacts of current and projected intense industrial and transportation uses.
English and Espanol
The City of Detroit is working on the Delray Neighborhood Framework Plan, and they need your input!
Glossary of terms