In-Person Early Voting beginning
ARPA Programs/Projects
ARPA Programs A-Z
Program Name/Link | Can be found in: | |
ACE Arts Alley Initiative | Neighborhood Beautification | |
ACE Arts Alley North End | Match Funding | |
Adult High School Certification Program | Neighborhood Investments 2 | |
Affordable Housing Development | City Services and Infrastructure, Match Funding | |
Basement Backup Protection Program | City Services and Infrastructure | |
BSEED Inspections to Support City Services | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Blight Remediation, Industrial and Commercial | Blight Remediation | |
Blight to Beauty | Neighborhood Beautification | |
Cease Fire Detroit Outreach | Neighborhood Investments 2 | |
Cellular Truck Base Station | Public Safety | |
CDO Home Repair Program | Neighborhood Investments 1 | |
CDO Vacant Home Rehabs | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Chandler Park Athletic Fieldhouse | Neighborhood Investments 3 | |
Choice Neighborhoods Implementation: Greater Corktown | Intergenerational Poverty 3 | |
City Council Support | City Services and Infrastructure | |
City of Detroit Records Management at Oakman | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Commercial Corridor Parking | Small Business | |
Community Health Corps | Neighborhood Investments 2 | |
Community Safety Code Enforcement | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Community Violence Intervention | City Services and Infrastructure, Neighborhood Investments 2 | |
COVID19 Expenditures | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Credit Support | Small Business | |
Detroit Housing Commission Connected Communities | Digital Divide | |
Detroit Housing Services | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Detroit Public Library Technology Lending Initiative | Digital Divide | |
Detroit Small Business Launcher | Small Business | |
Development Stimulus Support via Process Improvements | Small Business | |
Dexter Ave Streetscape | Parks, Recreation, and Culture | |
Dexter/Elmhurst Recreation Center | Neighborhood Investments 3 | |
DFD Annex Build Out | Public Safety | |
Digital Inclusion Marketing and Communications Services | Digital Divide | |
DoIT ARPA Digital Equity Manager | Digital Divide | |
DoIT ARPA Project Oversight | Digital Divide | |
DoIT Data Center Upgrades Project | City Services and Infrastructure |
DoIT Network Fiber Redundancy | City Services and Infrastructure | |
DoIT Network Infrastructure Replacement | City Services and Infrastructure | |
DoIT PC Refresh Project | City Services and Infrastructure | |
DoIT Server, Storage, and Backup System Replacement | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Down Payment Assistance | Intergenerational Poverty 3, City Services and Infrastructure | |
DPD ARPA Oversight | Public Safety | |
DPD Training Academy | Public Safety | |
Education Enhancement Program | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Enterprise Asset Management and Work Order Management Software | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Enterprise Constituent Relationship Management Software | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Enterprise Data Warehouse | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Families First Detroit | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Farwell Recreation Center Gym | Neighborhood Investments 3 | |
FY23 Capital Budget Supplemental | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Gun Violence Reduction Plan | Public Safety | |
Homelessness Prevention | Intergenerational Poverty 3 | |
HOPE Village Fiber Neighborhood Activation | Digital Divide | |
Housing Resource Navigation | Intergenerational Poverty 2 | |
Incentives Portal Program | City Services and Infrastructure | |
IT Consulting Services - Cross Departmental Analysis | City Services and Infrastructure | |
IT Consulting Services - Requirements Gathering, RFP Development and Optional Implementation | City Services and Infrastructure | |
IT Inclusive Apprenticeship Program | Employment and Job Creation | |
JET ARPA Oversight Project 1 | Employment and Job Creation | |
JET ARPA Oversight Project 2 | Neighborhood Investments 2 | |
Joe Louis Greenway | Parks, Recreation, and Culture | |
Joe Louis Greenway Neighborhood Planning | Parks, Recreation, and Culture | |
JumpStart | City Services and Infrastructure, Digital Divide, Employment and Job Creation, and Neighborhood Investments 2 | |
Ladder 30 Renovation | Public Safety | |
Landlord Repair Program | Intergenerational Poverty 3 | |
Lee Plaza | City Services and Infrastructure | |
Match Funding Projects | Match Funding | |
Mental Health Co-Response Partnership | City Services and Infrastructure, Public Safety | |
Neighborhood Beautification Program | Neighborhood Investments 1 | |
Neighborhood Opportunity Fund | Neighborhood Investments 1 | |
Neighborhood Signs | Neighborhood Investments 1 | |
New Recruit Academy | Public Safety | |
Ossain Sweet Complex | Parks, Recreation, and Culture | |
Palmer Park Bandshell | Neighborhood Investments 3 | |
Park Plans | Parks, Recreation, and Culture | |
Property Tax Foreclosure Prevention and Outreach | Intergenerational Poverty 3 | |
Public Facility Accessibility Program | Neighborhood Investments 1 | |
Renew Detroit | Intergenerational Poverty 1 | |
Retention Improvement – Sworn DPD Personnel | Public Safety | |
Right to Counsel | Match Funding, Intergenerational Poverty 3 | |
Roosevelt Park Construction | Parks, Recreation, and Culture | |
Rouge Gun Range | Public Safety | |
Single Family Home Ownership Preservation | Intergenerational Poverty 3 | |
Skills for Life Education | Employment and Job Creation | |
Skills for Life Work | Employment and Job Creation | |
Small Business Credit Support | Small Business | |
Summer Youth Employment Program | Employment and Job Creation | |
Traffic Enforcement | Public Safety | |
Vacant Lot Activation and Beautification | Neighborhood Beautification | |
Veteran’s Housing Program | Intergenerational Poverty 3 |