Kelley Park

This park was dedicated to the memory of David P. Kelley Jr, a neighborhood young man who lost his life during World War II.  Kelley Park is a 4.5 acre neighborhood park in northwest Detroit. The park features a basketball court, playground and picnic areas. The City of Detroit Parks and Recreation Division (DPRD) recently received funding for improvements at Kelley Park.  This season DPRD will be conducting community engagement to hear what amenities would best serve local residents and families. After community engagement the project will be finalized for construction in 2023 and 2024.

Improvements will be coming to Kelley park in 2023 and 2024

Phase 1: (Wayne County funded) - Picnic shelter

Phase 2: (City funded & Gilbert Family Foundation funded) - Playground, outdoor fitness area, replace and expanded walking loop

Phase 3: (Wayne County funded) - Dog park

Past presentations:

February 2, 2023 Community Meeting

March 23, 2023 Stakeholder Meeting



Juliana Fulton - Deputy Chief Parks Planner

[email protected]

Farhat Chaudhry - Landscape Architect

[email protected]