في 15 يونيو 2021 ، صوت مجلس مدينة ديترويت لقبول تعديلات حدود NEZ Homestead (NEZ-H) المقترحة ومناطق NEZ Homestead المنشأة حديثًا. إذا تلقيت خطابًا من مكتب المقيم يحدد أن عقارك يقع في إحدى مناطق سكن NEZ المقترحة ، إذا كنت تستوفي المعايير ، فأنت الآن مؤهل للتقديم.
بمجرد معالجة طلب NEZ Homestead ، سيتم إرسال خطاب إقرار Homestead الخاص بمنطقة مؤسسة الجوار إلى دافع الضرائب. طالما ظلت شهادة NEZ-H سارية ، فمن مسؤوليتك إخطار شركة الرهن العقاري الخاصة بك أنك ستتلقى فاتورتين ضريبتين في الصيف وفاتورتين ضريبتين في الشتاء. فاتورة واحدة للأرض والأخرى للمبنى. ينطبق التخفيف فقط على قطعة الأرض مع المبنى. يرجى العلم أن عدم دفع أي فاتورة ضريبية يمكن أن يؤدي إلى إزالة تعيين NEZ-H أو حبس الرهن الضريبي على العقار.
يقلل خفض NEZ Homestead كلاً من مدينة ديترويت ومقاطعة واين التشغيلية بنسبة 50 بالمائة. ينتج عن هذا عادةً توفير 15 إلى 20 بالمائة لمعظم مالكي المنازل. يرجى أن تضع في اعتبارك أن المدخرات الضريبية هي تخفيض في معدلات التشغيل بالمدينة والمقاطعة. تظل جميع الأسعار والرسوم الأخرى كما هي.
من أجل تحديد ما إذا كنت مؤهلاً لتخفيض ضريبة الأملاك NEZ-H:
- يجب أن تكون قد اشتريت منزلك بعد 31 ديسمبر 1996
- يجب أن تمتلك وتشغل منزلك على حد سواء كمقر إقامتك الأساسي. يجب أن يكون سند الملكية أو عقد الأرض باسمك ، ويجب أن يكون لديك إفادة نقل الملكية (PTA) وإعفاء الإقامة الرئيسي (PRE) في ملف لدى مكتب المقيم.
- يجب أن تلتزم بما لا يقل عن 500 دولار في الإصلاحات / التحسينات لمنزلك على مدار عامين.
يرجى القراءة قبل التقديم:
قبل متابعة الطلب عبر الإنترنت ، اجمع العناصر التالية وكن مستعدًا لإرفاقها بالتطبيق عبر الإنترنت. يمكن أن تكون المرفقات بتنسيق PDF أو JPEG أو Microsoft Word. المرفقات مطلوبة للتقديم.
- نسخة من عقدك المسجل أو عقد الأرض.
- نسخة من رخصة القيادة الخاصة بك تحدد أنك تعيش في العقار قيد الطلب.
- نسخة من إعفاء إقامتك الرئيسي (PRE).
تطبيق حي منطقة المؤسسة السكنية
البريد الإلكتروني: [email protected]
خريطة NEZ
1. What is a NEZ Homestead?
Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Homestead (NEZH) is a property tax abatement program for Residential Property Owners who occupy their home as their principal residence.
2. What are the requirements for the program?
- Your property must be in one of the NEZ Homestead Districts throughout the City of Detroit
- You must have purchased the property after 12/31/1996
- You must both own and occupy the property as your principal residence
- You must stay current on your property taxes
- You must commit to a minimum of $500 of improvements or repairs to your property over the course of the first 3 years
- You must have filed a Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA) and Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) with the City of Detroit, Office of the Assessor
3. What is a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone - Homestead (NEZH) abatement and how does it affect my property?
- The NEZH is an abatement for an existing structure (house), purchased by or transferred to an owner after December 31, 1996, which is the primary residence of the owner, is located within a zone created by the legislative body of a local government unit (in this case, Detroit City Council), and which the owner of the property commits to a minimum of $500 in repairs or improvements over the first three-year period of the abatement.
- The Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Act, PA 147 of 1992, as amended, provides tax exemptions for the development and rehabilitation of residential housing located within eligible distressed communities. The legislative body (Detroit City Council) of the local governmental unit (LGU) in these eligible distressed areas can designate areas as NEZs. Only homes located within these established NEZs are eligible for NEZ certificates. Once a NEZH zone is created by Detroit City Council, NEZ Homestead applications are filed, reviewed and approved by the local assessor. This abatement last for 15 years and is transferrable, meaning if the owner sells the property, the new owner can take advantage of the abatement as long as they meet the qualifications.
- The Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Act, PA 147 of 1992, as amended, provides tax exemptions for the owner/occupants of residential housing located within eligible distressed communities. The governing body (Detroit City Council) of the local governmental unit (LGU) in these eligible distressed areas can designate areas as NEZHs. Only homes located within these established NEZs are eligible for NEZ certificates.
- What is the difference between a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone and a Neighborhood Enterprise “Homestead” Zone?
- A Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) covers new facilities and/or rehabilitated facility projects. A Neighborhood Enterprise “Homestead” Zone covers only pre-existing residential property, located within a subdivision platted pursuant to state law before January 1, 1968.
- Who can apply for a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone (NEZ) Homestead Certificate?
- Only the owner/occupant of a principal residence within an NEZH zone may file an application for the tax abatement
- How is the NEZH Tax Computed?
- A parcel holding a NEZH Certificate will receive two tax bills, one for the land and one for the house. The abatement is applied only to the house, while the land is taxed at the regular tax rate. The NEZH does not prevent the property owner from exercising their rights to seek a reduction of their property value during the City of Detroit’s Assessor Review. In addition, both the land assessment on the ad valorem roll and the improvement (house) on the special act roll may be adjusted by the March Board of Review. eview.
4. How much is the tax reduction?
- It is approximately a 15 to 20 percent reduction in your Summer Tax Bill
- The NEZ tax abatement reduces the City of Detroit Operating Millage from 19.9520 to 9.9760 mills and the Wayne County Operating Millage from 5.6483 to 2.8241 mills. All other millage rates are unaffected by the NEZ Homestead abatement
5. How long does the abatement last?
The abatement certificate is issued for 15 years and will last if you own your home
6. How do I apply for the program?
The Office of the Assessor will mail an application package to the qualified homeowners in the newly created zones. The application will also be placed online on the City of Detroit’s web page.
7. Is there a deadline to file?
- The Office of the Assessor accepts applications all year. The plan is for the abatement to be effective for the 2021 tax year
- Any application submitted after October 1 will be processed the following year
8. What documentation will I need
- A driver’s license or state issued ID with the property address
- The Principal Residence Exemption (PRE) must be on file. If not, you will need to fill out the application • If no Property Transfer Affidavit (PTA) is on file, you will be required to present a certified deed showing ownership of the property and pay the PTA fine for not filing the affidavit timely
9. What will happen to tax abatements in NEZH areas which are being eliminated?
Yes, it is true that some areas which were established in the 2006/2007 timeframe are being modified and acreage removed. But any homeowner who has an abatement in one of those areas will keep their current abatement until it expires. Then they will be “grandfathered” into the one time 15-year application renewal if they still qualify. Unfortunately, now that the Detroit City Council voted on the new NEZH boundaries, no new applications will be accepted in the modified areas.
10. How many tax bills will I receive?
In both July and December, you will receive two tax bills: one for the structure with the NEZ Certificate with tax calculated based upon the NEZ specific tax, and one for the land with tax calculated at the full ad valorem millage rate.