Serve Detroit

Serve Detroit is a Mayor’s Office initiative dedicated to promoting service and volunteerism in the city of Detroit. Serve Detroit engages residents, community leaders, and nonprofit and corporate entities to come together for the common goal of Serving Detroit.

Serve Detroit connects meaningful service opportunities with willing and dedicated volunteers. Through civic engagement, our mission is to build stronger neighborhoods and more active communities. From joining or starting a neighborhood block club, participating in a local park cleanup and/or volunteering with the youth, we know that by working together, we can achieve a greater impact and help build an even greater Detroit. 

Join the Serve Detroit team or to just learn more about volunteer opportunities click the link below to sign up!  For additional information, contact Serve Detroit Volunteer Coordinator Tonie Stovall at





DON Flyer - Snow_01

We are looking for dedicated citizens to serve on the Detroit Volunteer Snow Team and help clear snow from front walkways/sidewalks and driveways at the homes of seniors and residents with disabilities. Download flyer.

If you are a resident, who needs help with snow removal, then download the flyer