Detroit Construction & Demolition department expands to include capital projects, facilities management

  • Newly minted Construction & Demolition Department focuses care and management of public buildings under one umbrella.
  • Demolition, capital and facilities initiatives encompass a total budget of approximately $400M.
  • City departments coming together to strategically remove blight and revitalize communities.

The City of Detroit today announced a significant reorganization of the Demolition Department, expanding to include Capital Projects and Facilities Management, divisions previously housed under the General Services Department. The newly minted Construction & Demolition Department places the management of public buildings under one umbrella. Demolition, capital and facilities initiatives encompass a total budget of approximately $400M. "The expansion of the Detroit Construction & Demolition Department is a major step forward,” said LaJuan Counts, Executive Director of the Construction & Demolition Department. “By consolidating our resources and expertise, we are better equipped to address the needs of our community. This move will accelerate our efforts to modernize our infrastructure, attract new investments and ultimately enhance the quality of life for all Detroiters." The Construction & Demolition Department will now encompass the planning and execution of construction projects, all public building maintenance, and the demolition of blighted structures. By centralizing these functions, the City aims to streamline processes, promote synergy between departments, and promote a more holistic approach to community revitalization. "We’re excited to welcome the Capital and Facilities divisions,” said Timothy Palazzolo, Deputy Director. “Integration will enable us to be even better stewards of taxpayer dollars by developing existing talent and leveraging our collective strengths.” The Demolition Department was created in 2020 with the passage of Proposal N - $250 million in bond funding to demolish dilapidated properties and stabilize salvageable homes for resale to Detroiters. Since its inception, the program has demolished more than 4,000 vacant structures and stabilized approximately 2,000 for resale. On track to reach residential goals, department leadership recently announced an aggressive commercial demolition plan to address blighted commercial buildings, schools and other large vacant structures.

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