Detroit Charter Revision Commission - 4-30-2020


On March 23, 2020, Governor Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-21, prohibiting in-person work that is not necessary to sustain or protect life. As a result, all meetings of the 2018 Detroit Charter Revision Commission will be held by electronic means until restrictions on in-person gatherings have been lifted by the Governor. 

All meetings will be held consistent with Executive Order 2020-15 and will provide a means for the community to participate. Meetings will be posted in accordance with the Open Meetings Act, as modified by Executive Order 2020-15.  Please see the meeting announcement for instructions on how to participate in the Detroit City Charter Commission meeting. 

The Detroit City Charter Commission will be held on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 1pm via Google Meet.  To participate in the meeting, review the following instructions. 

To join the meeting please access the information below:

Click on the Google Meet link:

Or dial in toll-free by calling (‪US‬) +1 318-814-8301‬ ‬ ‬and entering the following PIN when prompted: ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
PIN: ‪ ‪‪ 339 959 281#‬‬‬‬

The following link provides access to the agenda and documents that will be discussed at the meeting:

Participants who wish to provide public comments during the Public Comment section of the meeting, should send an email to [email protected] prior to the start of the meeting.

If a participant requires interpretation or translation services, please call the Department of Civil Rights, Inclusion and Opportunity at 313-224-4950 and remember to let them know the date and time of the Commission meeting for which you need services.