Coffee & Conversation - 4-17-2020


Stay your day with Your Council President.  

Grab a cup of your favorite Java, Let's Connect Virtually and Chat!

Join your Detroit City Council President Brenda Jones from 9 am - 11am for a Digital Outreach Coffee and Conversation every Friday starting April 17th!

Tell your Family, Neighbors, Block Club members and Community Organization!

Dial -In:


Meeting ID:

850 947 268


 You'll receive information and you will be able to get answers to your questions.  Stay engaged and informed!


Community Relations Panelists:

Erinn Harris, City of Detroit Census Update

Mark Kumpf, Director of Animal Care and Control Department
Jamal Harrison, General Services Department

Legislative Update Panelists:

Tanya Stoudemire, Budget Director & Deputy Chief Financial Officer
Irvin Corley, Detroit City Council Fiscal Analysis Director

**Special Note**You can also watch live on Facebook: