US DOT Funded SMART Grant



The Detroit MODES (Mobility Optimization through Data for Equity and Safety) project is a transformative initiative designed to enhance road safety and address transportation equity in Detroit, particularly within Historically Disadvantaged Communities (HDCs). Funded by a $2 million SMART grant from the USDOT, the project aims to reduce traffic fatalities and improve safety through the deployment of smart intersection technologies. These technologies will be implemented at 22 strategic locations across the city, leveraging existing traffic networks to collect and analyze real-time data on traffic patterns and potential hazards.

Central to the Detroit MODES project is the development of a sophisticated dashboard tool. This tool will utilize the collected data to provide real-time alerts about traffic incidents and near-misses, enabling city officials to respond swiftly to emerging safety issues. The dashboard will also facilitate the identification of the causes behind vehicle crashes, allowing for targeted and effective roadway safety interventions. By streamlining the analysis and intervention process, Detroit MODES aims to significantly reduce the time required to address traffic safety issues, ultimately saving lives and enhancing the overall efficiency of the city's transportation system.

According to the 2022 Streets for People: Detroit Comprehensive Safety Action Plan, in 2020, Detroit had 28.71 deaths per 100,000 people and 6.16 pedestrian deaths per 100,000 people, which ranks second and third, respectively, for US cities with at least a 500,000 population. 

Key Detroit Statistics














The City of Detroit partnered with Miovision to modernize its aging traffic infrastructure, enhancing road safety and efficiency for all commuters. By leveraging real-time data and advanced technology, the project has significantly reduced signal issues, travel times, and emergency response delays, creating a smarter and safer transportation network.

The map below illustrates the locations MioVision technology is placed to gather traffic safety data. 


Miovision Traffic Monitoring

The Detroit MODES project is built on a foundation of rigorous data integration and analysis. By harnessing advanced traffic safety solutions, Detroit MODES will create a comprehensive view of traffic dynamics across the city. This integrated approach not only supports immediate safety enhancements but also informs long-term urban planning and infrastructure development. As a result, the project is set to position Detroit as a leader in smart city innovation, showcasing how cutting-edge technology can be leveraged to improve road safety and promote equitable transportation solutions for all residents.






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OMI Partners
OMI Partners
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